I'm having a problem with character encoding in tomcat 5.
In Tomcat 5 - there have been issues with respect to character encoding.
( Usually of the the form "
request.setCharacterEncoding(String) doesn't work" )
Odds are, its not a bug. Before filing a bug report, see these bug reports as well
as any bug reports linked to these bug reports:
I have a problem with webapp reloading in tomcat 4.1.27.
Update to a later tomcat version, preferably the latest stable one.
If you must stay with 4.1.27, get this hotfix:
Bugzilla 22096.
I am unable to compile my JSP!
Are you seeing this?
org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable to compile
class for JSP
An error occurred at line: -1 in the jsp file: null
Generated servlet error:
[javac] Since fork is true, ignoring compiler
[javac] Compiling 1 source file
[javac] Since fork is true, ignoring compiler
If so, here is some solutions:
In the case of the Environment issues, it is typical that on Windows, the
startup scripts work fine and the service does not. The service uses
registry values to look for java and other "stuff". To save yourself some
trouble, see if the
NT Service Config Utility
is helpful.
I can't get servlets to work under /servlet/*
to map servlets is evil, absolutely evil.
Even more evil than
That being said, here are some threads that may answer this:
For another explanation of the invoker servlet, why it's evil,
and what to do about it, see
JavaRanch FAQ.
Why is the invoker evil?
This is opinions of the writer (YMMV)
Quickie about the invoker: The invoker is a dynamic servlet which
allows run-time
loading of other servlets based on class name. This servlet is the one
that allows
, where
is some class which can be loaded as
a servlet but was never explicitly declared in a config file.
Evil because:
- Security risk ... see links above
Configuration hiding - There is NO way to determine which servlets are
used vs which are not used. In web.xml, every servlet is declared
and mapped.
In that one file you instantly have a road map to how the webapp works.
Back doors. Servlets which are mapped can be alternately
called via the
invoker by class name. Since the URL is different, all security
constraints might be ignored since the URL pattern is VERY different.
Back doors. Bad programmers make it easier to do bad things.
Back doors. It may be common to use common 3rd party jars in a
shared area. If that shared jar has servlets in them and that servlet
has a hole in it, bad things happen.
Configuration hiding - it's important enough to say twice. Explicit
declaration while a PITA, will be more helpful in the maintenance
scheme of your webapp.
For another explanation of the invoker servlet, why it's evil,
and what to do about it, see
JavaRanch FAQ.
How to I get Tomcat's version number?
Starting with tomcat 5.0.28 - there is now a version.sh
(or version.bat) program in the bin directory.
It will print the version number of tomcat to Standard output.
Tomcat eats 100% of the CPU!
Odds are, it might be the garbage collector going wacky.
In 1.4.1 JVMs there is a memory leak which could hampering the
garbage collector.
More information
Otherwise - get a memory profiler and/or tweak your memory settings.
How do I set system properties at startup?
to be something BEFORE calling startup.bat
or before calling catalina.bat. (or you can edit those files, but it
isn't advised)
Example (windows):
SET JAVA_OPTS='-DpropName=propValue'
Example (UNIX):
export JAVA_OPTS='-DpropName=propValue'
Windows service users -
use this
How do I get a customized error page?
In web.xml ...
You may also catch error 500's as well as other specific exceptions or
exceptions which extend
For more information, see the Servlet Specification for all the gory
details of how you can play with this.
Should I use the LE version?
No. It was an experiment, it failed. (YMMV) The original purpose
of LE was because jdk1.4 provides a LOT of standard functionality
that Tomcat uses that was not in jdk1.3. So to save some space
two distributions were made to save some bandwidth. Since then,
it has been an exercise in confusion. (Flame me if you disagree)
More info
How do I configure Tomcat to NOT to store the sessions during shutdown?
How do I disable tag pooling?
To disable tag pooling:
See $TOMCAT_HOME/conf/web.xml --> enablePooling=false for the jsp servlet
Is there a DTD for server.xml?
How do I change the welcome file? (
I want to show index.jsp instead of index.html)
This is done in web.xml by changing
More detail.
How do I enable/disable directory listings?
This is done in TOMCAT_HOME/conf/web.xml by changing the listings
property for the default
How do I make Tomcat listen on a specific IP
address instead of all available addresses?
RTFM! [Add the property
to your Connector config.]
For more detail:
http (legacy),
http (coyote).
How do I use symbolic links with jars?
You'll need to tweak with server.xml and
do this.
(Don't worry - its really easy!)
How do I get UTF-8?
should answer that.
How do I change the name of the file in the download Save-As dialog
from a servlet? (or jsp)
Is tag pooling broken? It doesn't call release!
It is not broken, your tag probably is. Many bug reports
have been filed about this.
is the bug report with all the gory details.
Why do I get java.lang.IllegalStateException
How do I make a scheduled event on Tomcat?
Tomcat does not support this directly. Its not part of the Servlet or
JSP Specification.
If you do need this functionality see
this thread
this link.
What is Element "web-app" does not allow "servlet" here
Your web.xml is not well formed or it is not conforming to the DTD as
defined by the servlet spec. Use an XML validator to ensure
your web.xml file is ok.
Where does System.out go?
How do I rotate catalina.out?
How do open a file for reading in my webapp?
Use ServletContext.getResourceAsStream().
Can I run tomcat with the JRE, or do I need the full JDK?
Tomcat officially requires the full JDK, because it needs
javac in order to compile JSPs. If you pre-compile all
your JSPs, you can get away with running tomcat
on a JRE only, but you do so at your own risk.
Is tomcat an EJB server? Can I use EJBs with tomcat?
Tomcat is not an EJB server. Tomcat is not a full J2EE
server. Tomcat is a Servlet container. Tomcat does support
those parts of the J2EE specification that are required
for Servlets, such as a subset of JNDI functionality.
Furthermore, you can connect to remote J2EE servers, or
run tomcat embedded inside a full J2EE server.
Can I access Tomcat's JNDI provider from outside tomcat?
Not at this time.
Who uses tomcat in production?
Numerous organizations across various industries all over the world. A full
listing can be found at the
How do I configure commons-logging and log4j in tomcat 5?
I'm getting java.lang.ThreadDeath exceptions when reloading my webapp.