Xalan-C++ API Documentation

The Xalan C++ XSLT Processor Version 1.9

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ExtensionNSHandler Class Reference

Inheritance diagram for ExtensionNSHandler:

Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for ExtensionNSHandler:

Collaboration graph
List of all members.

Public Member Functions

Static Public Member Functions

Protected Member Functions

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

ExtensionNSHandler::ExtensionNSHandler const XalanDOMString namespaceUri,
MemoryManagerType theManager

Construct a new extension namespace handler for a given extension NS.

This doesn't do anything - just hang on to the namespace URI.

namespaceUri extension namespace URI being implemented

ExtensionNSHandler::ExtensionNSHandler MemoryManagerType theManager,
const XalanDOMString namespaceUri,
const XalanDOMString elemNames,
const XalanDOMString funcNames,
const XalanDOMString lang,
const XalanDOMString srcURL,
const XalanDOMString src

Construct a new extension namespace handler given all the information needed.

namespaceUri extension namespace URI being implemented
elemNames string containing list of elements of extension NS
funcNames string containing list of functions of extension NS
lang language of code implementing the extension
srcURL value of src attribute (if any) - treated as a URL or a classname depending on the value of lang. If srcURL is not null, then scriptSrc is ignored.
scriptSrc the actual script code (if any)

Member Function Documentation

ExtensionNSHandler* ExtensionNSHandler::create const XalanDOMString namespaceUri,
MemoryManagerType theManager

bool ExtensionNSHandler::isElementAvailable const XalanDOMString element  )  const

Tests whether a certain element name is known within this namespace.

element name of the element being tested
true if known, false if not

void ExtensionNSHandler::processElement StylesheetExecutionContext executionContext,
const XalanDOMString localPart,
const XalanElement element,
Stylesheet stylesheetTree,
const XalanNode sourceTree,
const XalanNode sourceNode,
const XalanQName mode

Process a call to this extension namespace via an element.

As a side effect, the results are sent to the XSLTProcessor's result tree.

localPart element name's local part
element extension element being processed
stylesheetTree compiled stylesheet tree
mode current mode
sourceTree root of the source tree (but don't assume it's a document)
sourceNode current context node
XSLProcessorException thrown if something goes wrong while running the extension handler
MalformedURLException if loading trouble
FileNotFoundException if loading trouble
IOException if loading trouble
SAXException if parsing trouble

void ExtensionNSHandler::setElements const XalanDOMString elemNames  ) 

Set element local parts of extension NS.

elemNames whitespace separated list of element names defined by this extension namespace

virtual void ExtensionNSHandler::setFunctions const XalanDOMString funcNames  )  [virtual]

Set function local parts of extension NS.

Super does the work; I just record that a component desc has been loaded.

functions whitespace separated list of function names defined by this extension namespace

Reimplemented from ExtensionFunctionHandler.

virtual void ExtensionNSHandler::setScript const XalanDOMString lang,
const XalanDOMString srcURL,
const XalanDOMString scriptSrc

Set the script data for this extension NS.

Deferred to super for actual work - only record that a component desc has been loaded.

lang language of the script
srcURL value of src attribute (if any) - treated as a URL or a classname depending on the value of lang. If srcURL is not null, then scriptSrc is ignored.
scriptSrc the actual script code (if any)

Reimplemented from ExtensionFunctionHandler.

virtual void ExtensionNSHandler::startupComponent  )  [protected, virtual]

Start the component up by executing any script that needs to run at startup time.

This needs to happen before any functions can be called on the component.

Reimplemented from ExtensionFunctionHandler.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

Interpreting class diagrams

Doxygen and GraphViz are used to generate this API documentation from the Xalan-C header files.

Xalan-C++ XSLT Processor Version 1.9
Copyright © 1999-2004 The Apache Software Foundation. All Rights Reserved.