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The Xalan C++ XSLT Processor Version 1.9

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Stylesheet Class Reference

This class represents the base stylesheet or an "import" stylesheet. More...

Inheritance diagram for Stylesheet:

Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for Stylesheet:

Collaboration graph
List of all members.

Public Types

Public Member Functions

Static Public Member Functions

Protected Attributes

Static Protected Attributes

Detailed Description

This class represents the base stylesheet or an "import" stylesheet.

"include" stylesheets are combined with the including stylesheet.

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef XalanVector<ElemDecimalFormat*> Stylesheet::ElemDecimalFormatVectorType

typedef XalanMap<XalanQNameByReference, const ElemTemplate* > Stylesheet::ElemTemplateMapType

typedef XalanVector<ElemVariable*> Stylesheet::ElemVariableVectorType

typedef XalanMap<XalanDOMString, ExtensionNSHandler*> Stylesheet::ExtensionNamespacesMapType

typedef StylesheetConstructionContext::GetAndReleaseCachedString Stylesheet::GetAndReleaseCachedString

typedef XalanVector<KeyDeclaration> Stylesheet::KeyDeclarationVectorType

typedef XalanMap<const XalanNode*, KeyTable* > Stylesheet::KeyTablesTableType

typedef XalanQName::NamespacesStackType Stylesheet::NamespacesStackType

typedef XalanQName::NamespaceVectorType Stylesheet::NamespaceVectorType

typedef StylesheetExecutionContext::ParamVectorType Stylesheet::ParamVectorType

typedef XalanMap<XalanDOMString, PatternTableVectorType> Stylesheet::PatternTableMapType

typedef PatternTableVectorTypeDecl Stylesheet::PatternTableVectorType

typedef StylesheetConstructionContext::size_type Stylesheet::size_type

typedef XalanVector<Stylesheet*> Stylesheet::StylesheetVectorType

typedef XalanVector<XalanDOMString> Stylesheet::URLStackType

typedef XalanVector<XalanSpaceNodeTester> Stylesheet::WhitespaceElementsVectorType

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Stylesheet::Stylesheet StylesheetRoot root,
const XalanDOMString baseIdentifier,
StylesheetConstructionContext constructionContext

Constructor for a Stylesheet needs a Document.

XSLProcessorException thrown if the active ProblemListener and XMLParserLiaison decide the error condition is severe enough to halt processing.

virtual Stylesheet::~Stylesheet  )  [virtual]

Member Function Documentation

void Stylesheet::addImport Stylesheet theStylesheet  ) 

Add an imported stylesheet.

theStylesheet The stylesheet to add.

void Stylesheet::addObjectIfNotFound const XalanMatchPatternData thePattern,
const XalanMatchPatternData theArray[],
unsigned int &  theArraySize

Add object to array of match patterns if not already there.

theArraySize size will be incremented if the pattern was added.

thePattern pattern to add
theArray vector of patterns to add to
theArraySize The size of the array

void Stylesheet::addObjectIfNotFound const XalanMatchPatternData thePattern,
PatternTableVectorType theVector

Add object to vector of match patterns if not already there.

thePattern pattern to add
theVector vector of patterns to add to

void Stylesheet::addTemplate ElemTemplate theTemplate,
StylesheetConstructionContext constructionContext

Add a template to the list of names templates.

theTemplate template to add
constructionContext context for construction

void Stylesheet::addWhitespaceElement const XalanSpaceNodeTester theTester  ) 

Stylesheet* Stylesheet::create MemoryManagerType theManager,
StylesheetRoot root,
const XalanDOMString baseIdentifier,
StylesheetConstructionContext constructionContext

const ElemTemplate* Stylesheet::findNamedTemplate const XalanQName qname  )  const

Locate a template via the "name" attribute.

name qualified name of template
pointer to template found or 0 if none found

const ElemTemplate* Stylesheet::findTemplate StylesheetExecutionContext executionContext,
XalanNode targetNode,
XalanNode::NodeType  targetNodeType,
const XalanQName mode,
bool  onlyUseImports

Given a target element, find the template that best matches in the given XSL document, according to the rules specified in the xsl draft.

executionContext current execution context
targetNode node that needs a rule
targetNodeType the type of targetNode
mode string indicating the mode
onlyUseImports only use imports, do not use any templates from the stylesheet itself
pointer to rule that best matches targetElem

const ElemTemplate* Stylesheet::findTemplate StylesheetExecutionContext executionContext,
XalanNode targetNode

Given a target element, find the template that best matches in the given XSL document, according to the rules specified in the xsl draft.

executionContext current execution context
targetNode element that needs a rule
pointer to rule that best matches targetNode

const XalanDOMString& Stylesheet::getBaseIdentifier  )  const

Retrieve the base identifier with which this stylesheet is associated.

string for base identifier

const XalanDOMString& Stylesheet::getCurrentIncludeBaseIdentifier  )  const

Retrieve the base identifier for the most recently included stylesheet.

This will return the same value as getBaseIdentifier(), if no include is being processed.

string for base identifier

const XalanDecimalFormatSymbols* Stylesheet::getDecimalFormatSymbols const XalanQName theQName  )  const

Retrieve the XalanDecimalFormatSymbols instance associated with the QName.

theQName the QName for the lookup
a pointer to the matching instance, or 0 if none was found

const ElemTemplate* Stylesheet::getFirstTemplate  )  const

URLStackType& Stylesheet::getIncludeStack  ) 

Retrieve the stack of who's including who.

stack of includes

MemoryManagerType& Stylesheet::getMemoryManager  ) 

Reimplemented in StylesheetRoot.

NamespaceVectorType& Stylesheet::getNamespaceDecls  ) 

Retrieve the list of namespace declarations currently in effect.

vector of namespace vectors

const NamespaceVectorType& Stylesheet::getNamespaceDecls  )  const

Retrieve the list of namespace declarations currently in effect.

vector of namespace vectors

virtual const XalanDOMString* Stylesheet::getNamespaceForPrefix const XalanDOMString prefix  )  const [virtual]

Retrieve a namespace corresponding to a prefix.

This assumes that the PrevixResolver holds its own namespace context, or is a namespace context itself.

prefix Prefix to resolve
namespace that prefix resolves to, or null if prefix is not found

Implements PrefixResolver.

const XalanDOMString* Stylesheet::getNamespaceForPrefix const XalanDOMChar *  prefix,
StylesheetConstructionContext constructionContext

Get the namespace for a prefix, and report an error if it wasn't found.

prefix prefix to search
constructionContext The current construction context
namespace corresponding to prefix, or null if not found.

const XalanDOMString* Stylesheet::getNamespaceForPrefix const XalanDOMString prefix,
StylesheetConstructionContext constructionContext

Get the namespace for a prefix, and report an error if it wasn't found.

prefix prefix to search
constructionContext The current construction context
namespace corresponding to prefix, or null if not found.

const XalanDOMString* Stylesheet::getNamespaceForPrefixFromStack const XalanDOMChar *  prefix  )  const

Get the namespace from a prefix by searching the stack of namespace lists.

prefix prefix to search
namespace corresponding to prefix, or null if not found.

const XalanDOMString* Stylesheet::getNamespaceForPrefixFromStack const XalanDOMString prefix  )  const

Get the namespace from a prefix by searching the stack of namespace lists.

prefix prefix to search
namespace corresponding to prefix, or null if not found.

const XalanDOMString* Stylesheet::getNamespaceFromStack const XalanDOMChar *  nodeName,
XalanDOMString theBuffer

Get the namespace from a qualified name.

nodeName name of node
namespace string for node, or null if not found.

const XalanDOMString* Stylesheet::getNamespaceFromStack const XalanDOMString nodeName,
XalanDOMString theBuffer

Get the namespace from a qualified name.

nodeName name of node
namespace string for node, or null if not found.

NamespacesStackType& Stylesheet::getNamespaces  ) 

Retrieve the stack of namespace lists.

vector of namespace vectors

const NamespacesStackType& Stylesheet::getNamespaces  )  const

Retrieve the stack of namespace lists.

vector of namespace vectors

NamespacesHandler& Stylesheet::getNamespacesHandler  ) 

const NamespacesHandler& Stylesheet::getNamespacesHandler  )  const

StylesheetRoot& Stylesheet::getStylesheetRoot  ) 

Retrieve the root stylesheet object.

reference to the stylesheet object

const StylesheetRoot& Stylesheet::getStylesheetRoot  )  const

Retrieve the root stylesheet object.

const reference to the stylesheet object

virtual const XalanDOMString& Stylesheet::getURI  )  const [virtual]

Retrieve the base URI for the resolver.

URI string

Implements PrefixResolver.

const XalanDOMString& Stylesheet::getXSLTNamespaceURI  )  const

double Stylesheet::getXSLTVerDeclared  )  const

Retrieve XSLT version number.

number representing XSLT version

bool Stylesheet::getYesOrNo const XalanDOMChar *  aname,
const XalanDOMChar *  val,
StylesheetConstructionContext constructionContext

Process an attribute that has the value of 'yes' or 'no'.

aname name of attribute
val value
constructionContext context for construction
true if value equals string constant for "yes," false otherwise

ElemTemplateElement* Stylesheet::initWrapperless StylesheetConstructionContext constructionContext,
const LocatorType locator

bool Stylesheet::isAttrOK const XalanDOMChar *  attrName,
const AttributeListType atts,
int  which,
StylesheetConstructionContext constructionContext

See if this is a xmlns attribute, and, if so, process it.

attrName qualified name of attribute
atts attribute list where the element comes from (not used at this time)
which index into the attribute list (not used at this time)
true if this is a namespace name

bool Stylesheet::isWrapperless  )  const

whether there is a wrapper template

true is there is a wrapper

const PatternTableVectorType* Stylesheet::locateAttributeMatchPatternDataList const XalanDOMString theName  )  const

Given a name, locate the start of a list of possible templates that match that name.

If none match, then use the default list.

theName The name to match

const PatternTableVectorType* Stylesheet::locateElementMatchPatternDataList const XalanDOMString theName  )  const

Given a name, locate the start of a list of possible templates that match that name.

If none match, then use the default list.

theName The name to match

const PatternTableVectorType* Stylesheet::locateMatchPatternDataList const XalanNode theNode,
XalanNode::NodeType  targetNodeType

Given a XalanNode, locate the start of a list of possible templates that match it.

XalanNode The node to match

ExtensionNSHandler* Stylesheet::lookupExtensionNSHandler const XalanDOMString uri  )  const

Return the handler for a given extension namespace.

uri the URI of the extension namespace.
pointer to extension handler

void Stylesheet::popNamespaces  ) 

Pop a namespace declaration from the namespace stack.

virtual void Stylesheet::postConstruction StylesheetConstructionContext constructionContext  )  [virtual]

Called after construction is completed.

Reimplemented in StylesheetRoot.

void Stylesheet::processDecimalFormatElement StylesheetConstructionContext constructionContext,
const AttributeListType atts,
const LocatorType locator = 0

Process an xsl:decimal-format element.

elemDecimalFormat the element

void Stylesheet::processExcludeResultPrefixes StylesheetConstructionContext theConstructionContext,
const XalanDOMChar *  theValue

See if a namespace should be excluded.

theConstructionContext the current construction context.
theValue the prefix of the namespace.

void Stylesheet::processExtensionNamespace StylesheetConstructionContext theConstructionContext,
const XalanDOMString uri

Add an extension namespace handler.

This provides methods for calling an element extension as well as for function calls (which is passed on to XPath).

constructionContext The current construction context.
uri The namespace URI of the extension.

void Stylesheet::processKeyElement const PrefixResolver nsContext,
const AttributeListType atts,
const LocatorType locator,
StylesheetConstructionContext constructionContext

Process the xsl:key element.

nsContext The PrefixResolver instance for namespace prefixes.
atts The attribute list for element. #param locator The Locator instance for error reporting, if any. May be 0.
constructionContext The current construction context.

void Stylesheet::processNSAliasElement const XalanDOMChar *  name,
const AttributeListType atts,
StylesheetConstructionContext constructionContext

Process an xsl:namespace-alias element.

name the element name.
attrs the current attribute list
constructionContext the active construction context

void Stylesheet::pushNamespaces const AttributeListType atts  ) 

Push the namespace declarations from the current attribute list onto the namespace stack.

atts attribute list constaining namespaces

void Stylesheet::pushTopLevelVariables StylesheetExecutionContext executionContext,
const ParamVectorType topLevelParams

Set a list of top level variables in the specified execution context stylesheet.

executionContext current execution context
topLevelParams list of top level parameters

void Stylesheet::setNamespaceDecls const NamespaceVectorType ns  ) 

Set the list of namespace declarations currently in effect.

ns vector of namespace vectors

void Stylesheet::setTopLevelVariable ElemVariable var  ) 

Set a top level variable.

var top-level variable declared with "xsl:variable" or xsl:param-variable.

void Stylesheet::setXSLTNamespaceURI const XalanDOMString theURI  ) 

void Stylesheet::setXSLTVerDeclared double  ver  ) 

Set XSLT version number.

ver number representing XSLT version

Member Data Documentation

XalanDOMString Stylesheet::m_baseIdent [protected]

The base URL of the XSL document.

KeyDeclarationVectorType Stylesheet::m_keyDeclarations [protected]

Table of KeyDeclaration objects, which are set by the xsl:key element.

StylesheetRoot& Stylesheet::m_stylesheetRoot [protected]

The root of the stylesheet tree.

WhitespaceElementsVectorType Stylesheet::m_whitespaceElements [protected]

const XalanQNameByReference Stylesheet::s_emptyQName [static, protected]

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

Interpreting class diagrams

Doxygen and GraphViz are used to generate this API documentation from the Xalan-C header files.

Xalan-C++ XSLT Processor Version 1.9
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