Xalan-C++ API Documentation

The Xalan C++ XSLT Processor Version 1.9

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XSLTProcessor Class Reference

This is an interface for an XSLT Processor engine. More...

Inheritance diagram for XSLTProcessor:

Inheritance graph
List of all members.

Public Types

Public Member Functions

Detailed Description

This is an interface for an XSLT Processor engine.

It's the responsibility of the implementation of the XSLTProcessor interface, collaborating with a XMLParserLiaison, the DOM, and the XPath engine, to transform a source tree of nodes into a result tree according to instructions and templates specified by a stylesheet tree. The methods process(...) are the primary public entry points.

If you reuse the processor instance, you should call reset() between calls.

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef size_t XSLTProcessor::size_type

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

XSLTProcessor::XSLTProcessor  ) 

virtual XSLTProcessor::~XSLTProcessor  )  [virtual]

Member Function Documentation

virtual void XSLTProcessor::addTraceListener TraceListener tl  )  [pure virtual]

Add a trace listener for the purposes of debugging and diagnosis.

tl pointer to listener to add

Implemented in XSLTEngineImpl.

virtual void XSLTProcessor::error const XalanDOMString msg,
const LocatorType locator,
const XalanNode sourceNode = 0
const [pure virtual]

Report an error and throw an exception.

msg text of message to output
locator A LocatorType for error reporting
sourceNode node in source where error occurred

Implemented in XSLTEngineImpl.

virtual void XSLTProcessor::error const XalanDOMString msg,
const XalanNode sourceNode = 0,
const ElemTemplateElement styleNode = 0
const [pure virtual]

Report an error and throw an exception.

msg text of message to output
sourceNode node in source where error occurred
styleNode node in stylesheet where error occurred

Implemented in XSLTEngineImpl.

virtual void XSLTProcessor::fireGenerateEvent const GenerateEvent ge  )  [pure virtual]

Fire a generate event.

ge generate event to fire

Implemented in XSLTEngineImpl.

virtual void XSLTProcessor::fireSelectEvent const SelectionEvent se  )  [pure virtual]

Fire a selection event.

se selection event to fire

Implemented in XSLTEngineImpl.

virtual void XSLTProcessor::fireTraceEvent const TracerEvent te  )  [pure virtual]

Fire a trace event.

te trace event to fire

Implemented in XSLTEngineImpl.

virtual FormatterListener* XSLTProcessor::getFormatterListener  )  const [pure virtual]

Get the current formatter listener.

pointer to formatter listener

Implemented in XSLTEngineImpl.

virtual XalanNode* XSLTProcessor::getSourceTreeFromInput const XSLTInputSource inputSource  )  [pure virtual]

Given an input source, get the source tree.

inputSource pointer to input source
source tree

Implemented in XSLTEngineImpl.

virtual const StylesheetRoot* XSLTProcessor::getStylesheetRoot  )  const [pure virtual]

Retrieve the root stylesheet.

pointer to root stylesheet

Implemented in XSLTEngineImpl.

virtual size_type XSLTProcessor::getTraceListeners  )  const [pure virtual]

Determine the number of trace listeners.

number of listeners

Implemented in XSLTEngineImpl.

virtual bool XSLTProcessor::getTraceSelects  )  const [pure virtual]

If this is set to true, simple traces of template calls are made.

true if traces made

Implemented in XSLTEngineImpl.

virtual void XSLTProcessor::getUniqueNamespaceValue XalanDOMString theValue  )  [pure virtual]

Generate a random namespace prefix guaranteed to be unique.

theValue A string for returning the new prefix

Implemented in XSLTEngineImpl.

virtual XMLParserLiaison& XSLTProcessor::getXMLParserLiaison  )  const [pure virtual]

Get the XML Parser Liaison that this processor uses.

XML parser liaison object

Implemented in XSLTEngineImpl.

virtual void XSLTProcessor::message const XalanDOMString msg,
const LocatorType locator,
const XalanNode sourceNode = 0
const [pure virtual]

Report a message.

msg text of message to output
locator A LocatorType for error reporting
sourceNode node in source where message occurred

Implemented in XSLTEngineImpl.

virtual void XSLTProcessor::message const XalanDOMString msg,
const XalanNode sourceNode = 0,
const ElemTemplateElement styleNode = 0
const [pure virtual]

Report a message.

msg text of message to output
sourceNode node in source where message occurred
styleNode node in stylesheet where message occurred

Implemented in XSLTEngineImpl.

virtual void XSLTProcessor::process const XSLTInputSource inputSource,
XSLTResultTarget outputTarget,
StylesheetExecutionContext executionContext
[pure virtual]

Transform the source tree to the output in the given result tree target.

This function does not create a stylesheet tree, it assumes the provided StylesheetExecutionContext has the stylesheet tree to use. This is set by calling StylesheetExecutionContext::setStylesheetRoot().

inputSource input source
outputTarget output source tree
executionContext current execution context

Implemented in XSLTEngineImpl.

virtual void XSLTProcessor::process const XSLTInputSource inputSource,
const XSLTInputSource stylesheetSource,
XSLTResultTarget outputTarget,
StylesheetConstructionContext constructionContext,
StylesheetExecutionContext executionContext
[pure virtual]

Transform the source tree to the output in the given result tree target.

The processor will process the input source, the stylesheet source, and transform to the output target.

inputSource input source
stylesheetSource stylesheet source
outputTarget output source tree
constructionContext context for construction of objects
executionContext current execution context

Implemented in XSLTEngineImpl.

virtual StylesheetRoot* XSLTProcessor::processStylesheet const XalanDOMString xsldocURLString,
StylesheetConstructionContext constructionContext
[pure virtual]

Given a URI to an XSL stylesheet, compile the stylesheet into an internal representation.

xmldocURLString URI to the input XML document
constructionContext context for construction of objects
pointer to compiled stylesheet object

Implemented in XSLTEngineImpl.

virtual StylesheetRoot* XSLTProcessor::processStylesheet const XSLTInputSource stylesheetSource,
StylesheetConstructionContext constructionContext
[pure virtual]

Given a stylesheet input source, compile the stylesheet into an internal representation.

stylesheetSource input source for the stylesheet
constructionContext context for construction of objects
pointer to the compiled stylesheet object

Implemented in XSLTEngineImpl.

virtual void XSLTProcessor::removeTraceListener TraceListener tl  )  [pure virtual]

Remove a trace listener.

tl Trace listener to be removed.

Implemented in XSLTEngineImpl.

virtual void XSLTProcessor::reset  )  [pure virtual]

Reset the state.

This needs to be called after a process() call is invoked, if the processor is to be used again.

Implemented in XSLTEngineImpl.

virtual void XSLTProcessor::resolveTopLevelParams StylesheetExecutionContext executionContext  )  [pure virtual]

Resolve the params that were pushed by the caller.

Implemented in XSLTEngineImpl.

virtual void XSLTProcessor::setDiagnosticsOutput PrintWriter pw  )  [pure virtual]

If this is set, diagnostics will be written to the m_diagnosticsPrintWriter stream.

If the value is null, then diagnostics will be turned off.

pw pointer to print writer

Implemented in XSLTEngineImpl.

virtual void XSLTProcessor::setExecutionContext StylesheetExecutionContext theExecutionContext  )  [pure virtual]

Set the execution context.

Must be set if after calling setStylesheetRoot.

theExecutionContext pointer to new execution context.

Implemented in XSLTEngineImpl.

virtual void XSLTProcessor::setFormatterListener FormatterListener flistener  )  [pure virtual]

Set the current formatter listener.

flistener pointer to new formatter listener

Implemented in XSLTEngineImpl.

virtual void XSLTProcessor::setQuietConflictWarnings bool  b  )  [pure virtual]

If the quietConflictWarnings property is set to true, warnings about pattern conflicts won't be printed to the diagnostics stream.

True by default.

b true if conflict warnings should be suppressed.

Implemented in XSLTEngineImpl.

virtual void XSLTProcessor::setStylesheetParam const XalanDOMString key,
const XalanDOMString expression
[pure virtual]

Push a top-level stylesheet parameter.

This value can be evaluated via xsl:param-variable.

key name of the param
expression expression that will be evaluated

Implemented in XSLTEngineImpl.

virtual void XSLTProcessor::setStylesheetParam const XalanDOMString key,
XObjectPtr  value
[pure virtual]

Push a top-level stylesheet parameter.

This value can be evaluated via xsl:param-variable.

key name of the parameter
value XObject value for parameter

Implemented in XSLTEngineImpl.

virtual void XSLTProcessor::setStylesheetRoot const StylesheetRoot theStylesheet  )  [pure virtual]

Set the root stylesheet.

theStylesheet pointer to new root stylesheet

Implemented in XSLTEngineImpl.

virtual void XSLTProcessor::traceSelect StylesheetExecutionContext executionContext,
const ElemTemplateElement theStylesheetElement,
const NodeRefListBase nl,
const XPath xpath
const [pure virtual]

Compose a diagnostic trace of the current selection.

executionContext The current execution context
theStylesheetElement The executing stylesheet element
nl The list of selected nodes
xpath A pointer to the XPath which generated the list of nodes, if any.

Implemented in XSLTEngineImpl.

virtual void XSLTProcessor::warn const XalanDOMString msg,
const LocatorType locator,
const XalanNode sourceNode = 0
const [pure virtual]

Report a warning.

msg text of message to output
locator A LocatorType for error reporting
sourceNode node in source where error occurred

Implemented in XSLTEngineImpl.

virtual void XSLTProcessor::warn const XalanDOMString msg,
const XalanNode sourceNode = 0,
const ElemTemplateElement styleNode = 0
const [pure virtual]

Report a warning.

msg text of message to output
sourceNode node in source where warning occurred
styleNode node in stylesheet where warning occurred

Implemented in XSLTEngineImpl.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

Interpreting class diagrams

Doxygen and GraphViz are used to generate this API documentation from the Xalan-C header files.

Xalan-C++ XSLT Processor Version 1.9
Copyright © 1999-2004 The Apache Software Foundation. All Rights Reserved.