Xalan-C++ API Documentation

The Xalan C++ XSLT Processor Version 1.9

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XSLTEngineImpl Class Reference

It's the responsibility of the XSLTEngineImpl class, collaborating with the XML parser liaison, the DOM, and the XPath engine, to transform a source tree of nodes into a result tree according to instructions and templates specified by a stylesheet tree. More...

Inheritance diagram for XSLTEngineImpl:

Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for XSLTEngineImpl:

Collaboration graph
List of all members.

Public Types

Public Member Functions

Static Public Member Functions

Protected Member Functions

Protected Attributes

Detailed Description

It's the responsibility of the XSLTEngineImpl class, collaborating with the XML parser liaison, the DOM, and the XPath engine, to transform a source tree of nodes into a result tree according to instructions and templates specified by a stylesheet tree.

The process method is the primary public entry points.

If you reuse the processor instance, you should call reset() between calls.

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef XalanVector<bool> XSLTEngineImpl::BoolVectorType

typedef XPathConstructionContext::GetAndReleaseCachedString XSLTEngineImpl::CCGetAndReleaseCachedString

typedef clock_t XSLTEngineImpl::ClockType

typedef XalanMap<const void*, ClockType> XSLTEngineImpl::DurationsTableMapType

typedef XPathExecutionContext::GetAndReleaseCachedString XSLTEngineImpl::ECGetAndReleaseCachedString

typedef XalanVector<const LocatorType*> XSLTEngineImpl::LocatorStack

typedef StylesheetExecutionContext::ParamVectorType XSLTEngineImpl::ParamVectorType

typedef XalanVector<TraceListener*> XSLTEngineImpl::TraceListenerVectorType

typedef XalanVector<const XalanDOMString*> XSLTEngineImpl::XalanDOMStringPointerVectorType

typedef Function::XObjectArgVectorType XSLTEngineImpl::XObjectArgVectorType

typedef XalanMemMgrAutoPtr<XPathProcessor, true> XSLTEngineImpl::XPathProcessorPtrType

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

XSLTEngineImpl::XSLTEngineImpl MemoryManagerType theManager,
XMLParserLiaison parserLiaison,
XPathEnvSupport xpathEnvSupport,
DOMSupport domSupport,
XObjectFactory xobjectFactory,
XPathFactory xpathFactory

Construct an XSL processor that can call back to a XML processor, so it can handle included files, and the like.

You must create a new instance of the XSLTEngineImpl class each time you run a transformation.

XMLParserLiaison liaison to an object that can help with a specific parser implementation
xpathEnvSupport An XPathEnvSupport instance
domSupport A DOMSupport instance for the DOM being used
xobjectFactory object responsible for XObject objects
xpathFactory object responsible for XPath objects

virtual XSLTEngineImpl::~XSLTEngineImpl  )  [virtual]

Member Function Documentation

void XSLTEngineImpl::addResultAttribute const XalanDOMString aname,
const XalanDOMString value

Add attribute to pending attributes list, and if it is a namespace, add it to the namespaces stack.

aname name of attribute
value value of attribute

void XSLTEngineImpl::addResultAttribute const XalanDOMString aname,
const XalanDOMChar *  value

Add attribute to pending attributes list, and if it is a namespace, add it to the namespaces stack.

aname name of attribute
value value of attribute

void XSLTEngineImpl::addResultAttribute AttributeListImpl attList,
const XalanDOMString aname,
const XalanDOMChar *  value

Add attribute to attribute list, and if it is a namespace, add it to the namespaces stack.

attList attribute list added to
aname name of attribute
value value of attribute

void XSLTEngineImpl::addResultAttribute AttributeListImpl attList,
const XalanDOMString aname,
const XalanDOMString value

Add attribute to attribute list, and if it is a namespace, add it to the namespaces stack.

attList attribute list added to
aname name of attribute
value value of attribute

void XSLTEngineImpl::addResultNamespaceDecl const XalanDOMString prefix,
const XalanDOMChar *  namespaceVal,
XalanDOMString::size_type  len

Add a namespace declaration to the namespace stack.

prefix namespace prefix
namespaceVal value of namespace
len length of namespace

void XSLTEngineImpl::addResultNamespaceDecl const XalanDOMString prefix,
const XalanDOMString namespaceVal

Add a namespace declaration to the namespace stack.

prefix namespace prefix
namespaceVal value of namespace

virtual void XSLTEngineImpl::addTraceListener TraceListener tl  )  [virtual]

Add a trace listener for the purposes of debugging and diagnosis.

tl pointer to listener to add

Implements XSLTProcessor.

void XSLTEngineImpl::cdata const XalanDOMChar *  ch,
XalanDOMString::size_type  start,
XalanDOMString::size_type  length

Receive notification of cdata.

ch pointer to characters from the XML document
start start position in the array
length number of characters to read from the array

void XSLTEngineImpl::characters const XObjectPtr xobject  ) 

Send character data from an XObject to the result tree.

node The xobject to send.

void XSLTEngineImpl::characters const XalanNode node  ) 

Send character data from the node to the result tree.

node The node to send.

void XSLTEngineImpl::characters const XalanDOMChar *  ch,
XalanDOMString::size_type  start,
XalanDOMString::size_type  length

Receive notification of character data.

ch pointer to characters from the XML document
start startng offset in 'ch' array
length number of characters to read from the array

void XSLTEngineImpl::characters const XalanDOMChar *  ch,
XalanDOMString::size_type  length

void XSLTEngineImpl::charactersRaw const XObjectPtr xobject  ) 

Send raw character data from an XObject to the result tree.

node The xobject to send.

void XSLTEngineImpl::charactersRaw const XalanNode node  ) 

Send raw character data from the node to the result tree.

node The node to send.

void XSLTEngineImpl::charactersRaw const XalanDOMChar *  ch,
XalanDOMString::size_type  start,
XalanDOMString::size_type  length

Receive notification of character data.

If available, when the disable-output-escaping attribute is used, output raw text without escaping.

ch pointer to characters from the XML document
start start position in the array
length number of characters to read from the array

void XSLTEngineImpl::clearTopLevelParams  ) 

Reset the vector of top level parameters.

void XSLTEngineImpl::cloneToResultTree const XalanNode node,
XalanNode::NodeType  nodeType,
bool  overrideStrip,
bool  shouldCloneAttributes,
bool  cloneTextNodesOnly,
const LocatorType locator

Clone a node to the result tree.

node node to clone
nodeType the type of the node
overrideStrip false if white space stripping should be done
shouldCloneAttributes true if attributes should be cloned
cloneTextNodesOnly if true, only text nodes will be cloned
locator the Locator for the event, if any.

void XSLTEngineImpl::cloneToResultTree const XalanNode node,
bool  cloneTextNodesOnly,
const LocatorType locator

Clone a node to the result tree.

node node to clone
cloneTextNodesOnly if true, only text nodes will be cloned
locator the Locator for the event, if any.

void XSLTEngineImpl::comment const XalanDOMChar *  data  ) 

Called when a Comment is to be constructed.

data pointer to comment data

void XSLTEngineImpl::copyAttributesToAttList const XalanNode node,
AttributeListImpl attList

Copy the attributes from the XSL element to the created output element.

void XSLTEngineImpl::copyAttributeToTarget const XalanDOMString attrName,
const XalanDOMString attrValue,
AttributeListImpl attrList

Copy an attribute to an AttributeListImpl.

attrName The name of the attribute
attrValue The value of the attribute
attrList The attribute list added to

void XSLTEngineImpl::copyNamespaceAttributes const XalanNode src  ) 

Copy XMLNS: attributes in if not already in scope.

src source node

const XPath* XSLTEngineImpl::createMatchPattern const XalanDOMString str,
const PrefixResolver resolver

Create and initialize an xpath and return it.

str string for XPath
resolver resolver for namespace resolution
pointer to XPath created

void XSLTEngineImpl::diag const char *  s  )  const

Print a diagnostics string to the output device.

s string to print

void XSLTEngineImpl::diag const XalanDOMString s  )  const

Print a diagnostics string to the output device.

s string to print

void XSLTEngineImpl::displayDuration const XalanDOMString info,
const void *  key

Display the duration since pushTime was called for element in milliseconds, and a descriptive message.

info message to display
key pointer to element involved

bool XSLTEngineImpl::doDiagnosticsOutput  ) 

Whether diagnostic output is to be generated.

true for diagnostics output

void XSLTEngineImpl::endDocument  ) 

void XSLTEngineImpl::endElement const XalanDOMChar *  name  ) 

void XSLTEngineImpl::entityReference const XalanDOMChar *  data  ) 

Receive notification of a entityReference.

data pointer to characters from the XML document

virtual void XSLTEngineImpl::error const XalanDOMString msg,
const LocatorType locator,
const XalanNode sourceNode = 0
const [virtual]

Report an error and throw an exception.

msg text of message to output
locator A LocatorType for error reporting
sourceNode node in source where error occurred

Implements XSLTProcessor.

virtual void XSLTEngineImpl::error const XalanDOMString msg,
const XalanNode sourceNode = 0,
const ElemTemplateElement styleNode = 0
const [virtual]

Report an error and throw an exception.

msg text of message to output
sourceNode node in source where error occurred
styleNode node in stylesheet where error occurred

Implements XSLTProcessor.

double XSLTEngineImpl::evalMatchPatternStr const XalanDOMString str,
XalanNode context,
XPathExecutionContext executionContext

Evaluate an xpath string and return the result as a numberic score.

str string to evaluate
context context node
executionContext current execution context
score number, higher representing better match

const XObjectPtr XSLTEngineImpl::evalXPathStr const XalanDOMString str,
XalanNode contextNode,
const XalanElement prefixResolver,
XPathExecutionContext executionContext

Evaluate an xpath string and return the result.

str string to evaluate
contextNode context node
prefixResolver prefix resolver to use
executionContext current execution context
pointer to XObject result

const XObjectPtr XSLTEngineImpl::evalXPathStr const XalanDOMString str,
XalanNode contextNode,
const PrefixResolver prefixResolver,
XPathExecutionContext executionContext

Evaluate an xpath string and return the result.

str string to evaluate
contextNode context node
prefixResolver prefix resolver to use
executionContext current execution context
pointer to XObject result

const XObjectPtr XSLTEngineImpl::evalXPathStr const XalanDOMString str,
XPathExecutionContext executionContext

Evaluate an xpath string and return the result.

str string to evaluate
executionContext current execution context
pointer to XObject result

virtual void XSLTEngineImpl::fireGenerateEvent const GenerateEvent ge  )  [virtual]

Fire a generate event.

ge generate event to fire

Implements XSLTProcessor.

virtual void XSLTEngineImpl::fireSelectEvent const SelectionEvent se  )  [virtual]

Fire a selection event.

se selection event to fire

Implements XSLTProcessor.

virtual void XSLTEngineImpl::fireTraceEvent const TracerEvent te  )  [virtual]

Fire a trace event.

te trace event to fire

Implements XSLTProcessor.

void XSLTEngineImpl::flushPending  ) 

Flush the pending element.

virtual FormatterListener* XSLTEngineImpl::getFormatterListener  )  const [virtual]

Get the current formatter listener.

pointer to formatter listener

Implements XSLTProcessor.

FormatterListener* XSLTEngineImpl::getFormatterListenerImpl  )  const [protected]

bool XSLTEngineImpl::getHasPendingStartDocument  )  const

bool XSLTEngineImpl::getHasPendingStartDocumentImpl  )  const [protected]

const LocatorType* XSLTEngineImpl::getLocatorFromStack  )  const

Get the locator from the top of the locator stack.

A pointer to the Locator, or 0 if there is nothing on the stack.

MemoryManagerType& XSLTEngineImpl::getMemoryManager  ) 

bool XSLTEngineImpl::getMustFlushPendingStartDocument  )  const

bool XSLTEngineImpl::getMustFlushPendingStartDocumentImpl  )  const [protected]

virtual const XalanDOMString* XSLTEngineImpl::getNamespaceForPrefix const XalanDOMString prefix  )  const [virtual]

Retrieve a namespace corresponding to a prefix.

This assumes that the PrevixResolver hold's its own namespace context, or is a namespace context itself.

prefix Prefix to resolve
namespace that prefix resolves to, or null if prefix is not found

Implements PrefixResolver.

const AttributeListType& XSLTEngineImpl::getPendingAttributes  )  const

Get the list of attributes yet to be processed.

attribute list

AttributeListImpl& XSLTEngineImpl::getPendingAttributesImpl  )  [protected]

Get the list of attributes yet to be processed.

attribute list

const AttributeListImpl& XSLTEngineImpl::getPendingAttributesImpl  )  const [protected]

Get the list of attributes yet to be processed.

attribute list

const XalanDOMString& XSLTEngineImpl::getPendingElementName  )  const

Retrieve name of the pending element currently being processed.

element name

XalanDOMString& XSLTEngineImpl::getPendingElementNameImpl  )  [protected]

Retrieve name of the pending element currently being processed.

element name

const XalanDOMString& XSLTEngineImpl::getPendingElementNameImpl  )  const [protected]

Retrieve name of the pending element currently being processed.

element name

ProblemListener* XSLTEngineImpl::getProblemListener  )  const

Get the problem listener property.

The XSL class can have a single listener that can be informed of errors and warnings, and can normally control if an exception is thrown or not (or the problem listeners can throw their own RuntimeExceptions).

pointer to ProblemListener interface

bool XSLTEngineImpl::getQuietConflictWarnings  )  const

Whether to warn about pattern match conflicts.

true to not warn about pattern match conflicts

const XalanDOMString* XSLTEngineImpl::getResultNamespaceForPrefix const XalanDOMString prefix  )  const

Retrieve the result namespace corresponding to a prefix.

prefix prefix for namespace
string for namespace URI

const XalanDOMString* XSLTEngineImpl::getResultPrefixForNamespace const XalanDOMString theNamespace  )  const

Retrieve the result prefix corresponding to a namespace.

theNamespace namespace for prefix
string for namespace prefix

virtual XalanNode* XSLTEngineImpl::getSourceTreeFromInput const XSLTInputSource inputSource  )  [virtual]

Given an input source, get the source tree.

inputSource pointer to input source
source tree

Implements XSLTProcessor.

Stylesheet* XSLTEngineImpl::getStylesheetFromPIURL const XalanDOMString xslURLString,
XalanNode fragBase,
const XalanDOMString xmlBaseIdent,
bool  isRoot,
StylesheetConstructionContext constructionContext

Reset the state of the XSL processor by reading in a new XSL stylesheet from a processing instruction.

xslURLString valid URI to an XSL stylesheet
fragBase base of tree if URI represents document fragment
xmlBaseIdent base identifier for stylesheet URI
isRoot true if stylesheet is root of tree
constructionContext context for construction of object
pointer to stylesheet

virtual const StylesheetRoot* XSLTEngineImpl::getStylesheetRoot  )  const [virtual]

Retrieve the root stylesheet.

pointer to root stylesheet

Implements XSLTProcessor.

virtual size_type XSLTEngineImpl::getTraceListeners  )  const [virtual]

Determine the number of trace listeners.

number of listeners

Implements XSLTProcessor.

virtual bool XSLTEngineImpl::getTraceSelects  )  const [virtual]

If this is set to true, simple traces of template calls are made.

true if traces made

Implements XSLTProcessor.

virtual void XSLTEngineImpl::getUniqueNamespaceValue XalanDOMString theValue  )  [virtual]

Generate a random namespace prefix guaranteed to be unique.

theValue A string for returning the new prefix

Implements XSLTProcessor.

virtual const XalanDOMString& XSLTEngineImpl::getURI  )  const [virtual]

Retrieve the base URI for the resolver.

URI string

Implements PrefixResolver.

const XalanDOMString& XSLTEngineImpl::getXalanXSLNameSpaceURL  )  [static]

Special Xalan namespace for built-in extensions.

Xalan namespace for extensions

virtual XMLParserLiaison& XSLTEngineImpl::getXMLParserLiaison  )  const [virtual]

Get the XML Parser Liaison that this processor uses.

XML parser liaison object

Implements XSLTProcessor.

XPathEnvSupport& XSLTEngineImpl::getXPathEnvSupport  ) 

Retrieve the XPath environment support object.

XPath environment support object

XPathFactory& XSLTEngineImpl::getXPathFactory  ) 

Get the factory for making xpaths.

XPath factory object

XPathProcessor& XSLTEngineImpl::getXPathProcessor  ) 

Get the XPath processor object.

XPathProcessor interface being used

const XalanDOMString& XSLTEngineImpl::getXSLNameSpaceURL  )  [static]

Retrieve the URI for the current XSL namespace, for example, "http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform".

URI string

void XSLTEngineImpl::ignorableWhitespace const XalanDOMChar *  ch,
XalanDOMString::size_type  length

void XSLTEngineImpl::initialize MemoryManagerType theManager  )  [static]

Perform initialization of statics -- must be called before any processing occurs.

See class XSLTInit.

bool XSLTEngineImpl::isElementPending  )  const

bool XSLTEngineImpl::isPendingResultPrefix const XalanDOMString thePrefix  )  const

Determine whether or not a prefix is in use on the pending element or the pending attributes.

thePrefix prefix for namespace
true if the prefix is in use, false if not.

virtual void XSLTEngineImpl::message const XalanDOMString msg,
const LocatorType locator,
const XalanNode sourceNode = 0
const [virtual]

Report a message.

msg text of message to output
locator A LocatorType for error reporting
sourceNode node in source where message occurred

Implements XSLTProcessor.

virtual void XSLTEngineImpl::message const XalanDOMString msg,
const XalanNode sourceNode = 0,
const ElemTemplateElement styleNode = 0
const [virtual]

Report a message.

msg text of message to output
sourceNode node in source where message occurred
styleNode node in stylesheet where message occurred

Implements XSLTProcessor.

void XSLTEngineImpl::outputResultTreeFragment const XalanDocumentFragment theTree,
bool  outputTextNodesOnly,
const LocatorType locator

Given a result tree fragment, walk the tree and output it to the result stream.

theTree result tree fragment
outputTextNodesOnly if true, only text nodes will be copied
locator the Locator for the event, if any.

void XSLTEngineImpl::outputResultTreeFragment const XObject theTree,
bool  outputTextNodesOnly,
const LocatorType locator

Given a result tree fragment, walk the tree and output it to the result stream.

theTree result tree fragment
outputTextNodesOnly if true, only text nodes will be copied
locator the Locator for the event, if any.

void XSLTEngineImpl::outputToResultTree const XObject value,
bool  outputTextNodesOnly,
const LocatorType locator

Output an object to the result tree by doing the right conversions.

value the XObject to output
outputTextNodesOnly if true, only text nodes will be copied
locator the Locator for the event, if any.

XalanDocument* XSLTEngineImpl::parseXML const InputSourceType inputSource,
DocumentHandlerType docHandler,
XalanDocument docToRegister

Read in the XML file, either producing a Document or calling SAX events, and register the document in a table.

If the document has already been read in, it will not be reparsed.

inputSource location of the XML
docHandler pointer to SAX event handler
docToRegister if using a SAX event handler, the object to register in the source docs table.
document object, which represents the parsed XML

XalanDocument* XSLTEngineImpl::parseXML const XalanDOMString urlString,
DocumentHandlerType docHandler,
XalanDocument docToRegister

Read in the XML file, either producing a Document or calling SAX events, and register the document in a table.

If the document has already been read in, it will not be reparsed.

urlString location of the XML
docHandler pointer to SAX event handler
docToRegister if using a SAX event handler, the object to register in the source docs table.
document object, which represents the parsed XML

ClockType XSLTEngineImpl::popDuration const void *  key  ) 

Returns the duration since pushTime was called for element in milliseconds.

key pointer to element involved

void XSLTEngineImpl::popLocatorStack  ) 

Pop the locator from the top of the locator stack.

void XSLTEngineImpl::popOutputContext  ) 

virtual void XSLTEngineImpl::process const XSLTInputSource inputSource,
XSLTResultTarget outputTarget,
StylesheetExecutionContext executionContext

Transform the source tree to the output in the given result tree target.

This function does not create a stylesheet tree, it assumes the provided StylesheetExecutionContext has the stylesheet tree to use. This is set by calling StylesheetExecutionContext::setStylesheetRoot().

inputSource input source
outputTarget output source tree
executionContext current execution context

Implements XSLTProcessor.

virtual void XSLTEngineImpl::process const XSLTInputSource inputSource,
const XSLTInputSource stylesheetSource,
XSLTResultTarget outputTarget,
StylesheetConstructionContext constructionContext,
StylesheetExecutionContext executionContext

Transform the source tree to the output in the given result tree target.

The processor will process the input source, the stylesheet source, and transform to the output target.

inputSource input source
stylesheetSource stylesheet source
outputTarget output source tree
constructionContext context for construction of objects
executionContext current execution context

Implements XSLTProcessor.

void XSLTEngineImpl::processingInstruction const XalanDOMChar *  target,
const XalanDOMChar *  data

virtual StylesheetRoot* XSLTEngineImpl::processStylesheet const XalanDOMString xsldocURLString,
StylesheetConstructionContext constructionContext

Given a URI to an XSL stylesheet, compile the stylesheet into an internal representation.

xmldocURLString URI to the input XML document
constructionContext context for construction of objects
pointer to compiled stylesheet object

Implements XSLTProcessor.

virtual StylesheetRoot* XSLTEngineImpl::processStylesheet const XSLTInputSource stylesheetSource,
StylesheetConstructionContext constructionContext

Given a stylesheet input source, compile the stylesheet into an internal representation.

stylesheetSource input source for the stylesheet
constructionContext context for construction of objects
pointer to the compiled stylesheet object

Implements XSLTProcessor.

void XSLTEngineImpl::pushLocatorOnStack const LocatorType locator  ) 

Push a locator on to the locator stack.

A pointer to the Locator to push.

void XSLTEngineImpl::pushOutputContext FormatterListener theListener  ) 

void XSLTEngineImpl::pushTime const void *  key  ) 

Mark the time, so that displayDuration can later display the elapsed clock ticks.

theKey pointer to element to push

virtual void XSLTEngineImpl::removeTraceListener TraceListener tl  )  [virtual]

Remove a trace listener.

tl Trace listener to be removed.

Implements XSLTProcessor.

void XSLTEngineImpl::replacePendingAttribute const XalanDOMChar *  theName,
const XalanDOMChar *  theNewType,
const XalanDOMChar *  theNewValue

Replace the contents of a pending attribute.

theName name of attribute
theNewType type of attribute
theNewValue new value of attribute

virtual void XSLTEngineImpl::reset  )  [virtual]

Reset the state.

This needs to be called after a process() call is invoked, if the processor is to be used again.

Implements XSLTProcessor.

void XSLTEngineImpl::resetDocument  ) 

virtual void XSLTEngineImpl::resolveTopLevelParams StylesheetExecutionContext executionContext  )  [virtual]

Resolve the params that were pushed by the caller.

Implements XSLTProcessor.

void XSLTEngineImpl::returnXPath const XPath xpath  ) 

Return the xpath created by createXPath() or createMatchPattern().

xpath The XPath to return.

virtual void XSLTEngineImpl::setDiagnosticsOutput PrintWriter pw  )  [virtual]

If this is set, diagnostics will be written to the m_diagnosticsPrintWriter stream.

If the value is null, then diagnostics will be turned off.

pw pointer to print writer

Implements XSLTProcessor.

void XSLTEngineImpl::setDocumentLocator const LocatorType locator  ) 

virtual void XSLTEngineImpl::setExecutionContext StylesheetExecutionContext theExecutionContext  )  [virtual]

Set the execution context.

theExecutionContext pointer to new execution context.

Implements XSLTProcessor.

virtual void XSLTEngineImpl::setFormatterListener FormatterListener flistener  )  [virtual]

Set the current formatter listener.

flistener pointer to new formatter listener

Implements XSLTProcessor.

void XSLTEngineImpl::setFormatterListenerImpl FormatterListener flistener  )  [protected]

void XSLTEngineImpl::setHasPendingStartDocument bool  b  ) 

void XSLTEngineImpl::setHasPendingStartDocumentImpl bool  b  )  [protected]

void XSLTEngineImpl::setMustFlushPendingStartDocument bool  b  ) 

void XSLTEngineImpl::setMustFlushPendingStartDocumentImpl bool  b  )  [protected]

void XSLTEngineImpl::setPendingAttributes const AttributeListType pendingAttributes  ) 

Set the list of attributes yet to be processed.

pendingAttributes The attribute list

void XSLTEngineImpl::setPendingAttributesImpl const AttributeListType pendingAttributes  )  [protected]

Set the list of attributes yet to be processed.

pendingAttributes The attribute list

void XSLTEngineImpl::setPendingElementName const XalanDOMChar *  elementName  ) 

void XSLTEngineImpl::setPendingElementName const XalanDOMString elementName  ) 

Changes the currently pending element name.

elementName new name of element

void XSLTEngineImpl::setPendingElementNameImpl const XalanDOMChar *  elementName  )  [protected]

Changes the currently pending element name.

elementName new name of element

void XSLTEngineImpl::setPendingElementNameImpl const XalanDOMString elementName  )  [protected]

Changes the currently pending element name.

elementName new name of element

void XSLTEngineImpl::setProblemListener ProblemListener l  ) 

Set the problem listener property.

The XSL class can have a single listener that can be informed of errors and warnings, and can normally control if an exception is thrown or not (or the problem listeners can throw their own RuntimeExceptions).

l pointer to ProblemListener interface

virtual void XSLTEngineImpl::setQuietConflictWarnings bool  b  )  [virtual]

If the quietConflictWarnings property is set to true, warnings about pattern conflicts won't be printed to the diagnostics stream.

True by default.

b true if conflict warnings should be suppressed.

Implements XSLTProcessor.

virtual void XSLTEngineImpl::setStylesheetParam const XalanDOMString key,
XObjectPtr  value

Push a top-level stylesheet parameter.

This value can be evaluated via xsl:param-variable.

key name of the parameter
value XObject value for parameter

Implements XSLTProcessor.

virtual void XSLTEngineImpl::setStylesheetParam const XalanDOMString key,
const XalanDOMString expression

Push a top-level stylesheet parameter.

This value can be evaluated via xsl:param-variable.

key name of the param
expression expression that will be evaluated

Implements XSLTProcessor.

virtual void XSLTEngineImpl::setStylesheetRoot const StylesheetRoot theStylesheet  )  [virtual]

Set the root stylesheet.

theStylesheet pointer to new root stylesheet

Implements XSLTProcessor.

virtual void XSLTEngineImpl::setTraceSelects bool  b  )  [virtual]

void XSLTEngineImpl::startDocument  ) 

void XSLTEngineImpl::startElement const XalanDOMChar *  name  ) 

Receive notification of the beginning of an element with an empty attribute list.

name element type name

void XSLTEngineImpl::startElement const XalanDOMChar *  name,
AttributeListType atts

void XSLTEngineImpl::terminate  )  [static]

Perform termination of statics.

See class XSLTInit.

void XSLTEngineImpl::traceSelect StylesheetExecutionContext executionContext,
const ElemTemplateElement theTemplate,
const NodeRefListBase nl,
const XPath xpath
const [virtual]

Compose a diagnostic trace of the current selection.

executionContext The current execution context
theStylesheetElement The executing stylesheet element
nl The list of selected nodes
xpath A pointer to the XPath which generated the list of nodes, if any.

Implements XSLTProcessor.

virtual void XSLTEngineImpl::warn const XalanDOMString msg,
const LocatorType locator,
const XalanNode sourceNode = 0
const [virtual]

Report a warning.

msg text of message to output
locator A LocatorType for error reporting
sourceNode node in source where error occurred

Implements XSLTProcessor.

virtual void XSLTEngineImpl::warn const XalanDOMString msg,
const XalanNode sourceNode = 0,
const ElemTemplateElement styleNode = 0
const [virtual]

Report a warning.

msg text of message to output
sourceNode node in source where warning occurred
styleNode node in stylesheet where warning occurred

Implements XSLTProcessor.

Member Data Documentation

BoolVectorType XSLTEngineImpl::m_cdataStack [protected]

Stack of Booleans to keep track of if we should be outputting cdata instead of escaped text.

XalanDOMString XSLTEngineImpl::m_resultNameSpacePrefix [protected]

The namespace that the result tree conforms to.

A null value indicates that result-ns is not used and there is no checking. A empty string indicates that the result tree conforms to the default namespace.

XalanDOMString XSLTEngineImpl::m_resultNameSpaceURL [protected]

The URL that belongs to the result namespace.

XObjectFactory& XSLTEngineImpl::m_xobjectFactory [protected]

XPathFactory& XSLTEngineImpl::m_xpathFactory [protected]

const XPathProcessorPtrType XSLTEngineImpl::m_xpathProcessor [protected]

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

Interpreting class diagrams

Doxygen and GraphViz are used to generate this API documentation from the Xalan-C header files.

Xalan-C++ XSLT Processor Version 1.9
Copyright © 1999-2004 The Apache Software Foundation. All Rights Reserved.