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The Xalan C++ XSLT Processor Version 1.9

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NodeSorter::NodeSortKeyCompare Struct Reference

Return the results of a compare of two nodes. More...

Collaboration diagram for NodeSorter::NodeSortKeyCompare:

Collaboration graph
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Public Member Functions

Protected Member Functions

Detailed Description

Return the results of a compare of two nodes.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

NodeSorter::NodeSortKeyCompare::NodeSortKeyCompare StylesheetExecutionContext executionContext,
NodeSorter theSorter,
const NodeVectorType theNodes,
const NodeSortKeyVectorType theNodeSortKeys

Construct a NodeSortKeyCompare object, to perform the sort.

executionContext current execution context
theNodes vector or nodes to be sorted
theNodeSortKeys vector of keys upon which to sort

Member Function Documentation

int NodeSorter::NodeSortKeyCompare::compare first_argument_type  theLHS,
second_argument_type  theRHS,
unsigned int  theKeyIndex = 0

Compare two nodes, returning a value to indicate the result.

theLHS the first node to compare
theRHS the second node to compare
theKeyIndex the index of the key to use
< 0 if theLHS is less than theRHS, 0 if they are equal, and > 0 if theLHS is greater than theRHS

double NodeSorter::NodeSortKeyCompare::getNumberResult const NodeSortKey theKey,
unsigned int  theKeyIndex,
first_argument_type  theEntry
const [protected]

const XalanDOMString& NodeSorter::NodeSortKeyCompare::getStringResult const NodeSortKey theKey,
unsigned int  theKeyIndex,
first_argument_type  theEntry
const [protected]

result_type NodeSorter::NodeSortKeyCompare::operator() first_argument_type  theLHS,
second_argument_type  theRHS,
unsigned int  theKeyIndex = 0

Compare two nodes as a less predicate.

theLHS the first node to compare
theRHS the second node to compare
theKeyIndex the index of the key to use
true if theLHS is less than theRHS

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:

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Xalan-C++ XSLT Processor Version 1.9
Copyright © 1999-2004 The Apache Software Foundation. All Rights Reserved.