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Table of Contents
- Access
- full (read-write) versus read-only (756)
- Accessing read-only databases from class path (612)
- Archiving read-only databases (606), (610)
- Attributes (URL), setting as properties (569)
- Attributes to database connection URL (556)
- Authentication (731)
- definition (725)
- Authentication provider
- specifying (734)
- Authorization (753)
- Authorization identifiers (749)
- Auto-commit
- Autocommit
- holdable cursors and (672)
- Automatic booting
- of databases in system (514)
- Available databases
- list of provided by databaseName attribute (783)
- Backing up databases (537)
- Class path
- accessing databases from (554)
- Classes
- storing in database (617)
- classpath subsubprotocol (585)
- derby.log (512)
- file (509), (520)
- Derby system (506)
- derby.system.home
- used to define system directory (517)
- Columns
- maximum number allowed per table (532)
- org.apache.derby.database.UserUtility (758)
- org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedConnectionPoolDataSource (721)
- org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDataSource (720)
- org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedXADataSource (722)
- Concurrency (676)
- Connecting to a database (595)
- Connecting to databases
- Connecting to databases not directly in the system directory (555)
- Connecting to multiple databases (648)
- Connections
- getting (647)
- Creating a database
- using database connection URL attribute (564)
- Creating empty queries (796)
- derby.jar (600)
- Cursors
- Data encryption
- Database class loading (616)
- Database connection URL
- Database encryption (762)
- Database name attribute
- use of in database connection URL (558)
- Database pages
- description (544)
- Database-side JDBC procedures (622)
- Database-side procedures
- definition (623)
- Databases
- backing up (538)
- configuring (545)
- connecting (549)
- connecting to outside system (551)
- connecting to within system (550)
- controlling access to (755)
- convention for specifying connection path when outside system (552)
- creating (565)
- description of in Derby system (522)
- dropping (535)
- encrypting (763)
- encrypting upon creation (567)
- shutting down individually (563)
- Deadlock detection (701)
- Deadlocks
- Deployment modes
- threading/connection modes and (705)
- directory subsubprotocol (553), (584)
- Dirty reads
- definition (682)
- Disk encryption (727)
- DriverPropertyInfo Array (784)
- Dropping databases (536)
- Embedded applications
- deploying (597)
- Embedded environments (596), (601)
- Encrypted databases
- Encrypting databases (728)
- Encryption
- Encryption algorithms
- configuring (770)
- Encryption providers
- configuring (769)
- Error log (511)
- description (519)
- Exclusive locks
- definition (696)
- Explicit close of JDBC objects (657)
- External directory services
- used to provide user authentication (735)
- getPropertyInfo
- using (785)
- Getting a nested connection
- using database connection URL attribute (589)
- Holdable cursors and autocommit (671)
- Identity column
- IDEs
- Indexes
- Installation directory
- Internationalization (798)
- interrupt calls
- caught by Derby (714)
- IOExceptions
- indicating need to relax file descriptors limit (579)
- Isolation levels (674)
- configuring (689)
- jar directory
- function (527)
- jar files
- Jar files
- jar subsubprotocol (586)
- Java 2 Security Manager (776)
- java.sql.Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED (678), (679)
- java.sql.Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_UNCOMMITTED (677)
- java.sql.Connection.TRANSACTION_SERIALIZABLE (680)
- java.sql.Driver.getPropertyInfo (782)
- tutorial for (502)
- JDBC Connections (644)
- definition (646)
- JDBC driver
- description (503)
- JDBC driver (embedded) (580)
- starting (592)
- JDBC Statement
- definition (649)
- JNDI properties for user authorization
- setting (741)
- jndid
- required for LDAP user authorization (738)
- JVMs (Java Virtual Machines)
- verified for Derby (577)
- LDAP directory services
- used to provide user authentication (737)
- ldap.jar
- required for LDAP user authorization (739)
- Limitations
- in current version (546)
- Locales
- definition (799)
- Localization (797)
- Lock granularity (690)
- Locking (675)
- Locks
- log directory
- function (523)
- Logic
- storing in database (619)
- Mapping column values to return values (795)
- Multi-threaded applications (706)
- Multi-user database access
- programming for (709)
- Multiple connections
- Multiple JVMs accessing
- prohibition of (513)
- Multiple rows VALUES clause (794)
- Multiple threads sharing single connection (710)
- Nested connections
- Non-repeatable reads
- definition (683)
- Passwords (744)
- Permissions (759)
- Phantom reads
- definition (684)
- Policy files
- Processing SQLExceptions (717)
- Properties
- defined for system in (510)
- providerutil.jar
- required for LDAP user authentication (740)
- Read-only access
- definition (760)
- Read-only databases
- Recovery (540), (543)
- Referential actions
- and triggers (637)
- Referential integrity
- via triggers (639)
- Resource manager
- Derby as in J2EE system (719)
- Restarting Derby within same JVM (515)
- ResultSets
- Rollback
- implicit versus explicit (658)
- Rows
- Schemas
- and users (751)
- Scrolling insensitive cursors (667)
- Security
- configuring (729)
- Security features (723)
- limitations of (774)
- definition (697)
- Shutdown
- description (542)
- using database connection URL attribute (562)
- Signed jar files (773)
- single system
- prohibition of (513)
- Size limitations of Derby objects and databases (528)
- SQL99 standards
- and Derby (801)
- SQLExceptions
- chaining of (716)
- importance of not catching within database-side procedures (631)
- user-defined (38001-38999) (633)
- working with (715)
- SQLWarnings (718)
- Start-up
- description (541)
- Starting Derby (593)
- embedded mode (591)
- Statements shared by threads
- dangers of (711)
- Subprotocol
- part of database connection URL syntax (582)
- Subsubprotocol
- System
- description (508)
- System directory (507)
- Tables
- Threads
- tmp directory
- function (526)
- Transaction anomalies in generic database systems
- description (681)
- Transaction isolation levels (673)
- TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED isolation level (687)
- TRANSACTION_READ_UNCOMMITTED isolation level (688)
- TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ isolation level (686)
- TRANSACTION_SERIALIZABLE isolation level (685)
- Transactions (645)
- definition (652)
- Triggers
- Unicode support (800)
- Update locks (698)
- User authentication (730)
- User authorization (752)
- User names
- providing (746)
- Users
- UserUtility (757)
- Using a supplied parameter multiple times in a query (789)
- Zip files
- databases in (608)
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