Apache CXF API

Interface SearchCondition<T>

Type Parameters:
T - Type of the object which will be checked by SearchCondition instance
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractComplexCondition, AndSearchCondition, OrSearchCondition, PrimitiveSearchCondition, SimpleSearchCondition

public interface SearchCondition<T>

Can be used to build plain or complex/composite search conditions.

Google Collections Predicate might've been used instead, but it is a too generic and its apply method is not quite needed here

Method Summary
 List<T> findAll(Collection<T> pojos)
          Returns a list of pojos matching the condition
 T getCondition()
          Some SearchConditions may use instance of T to capture the actual search criteria thus making it simpler to implement isMet(T).
 ConditionType getConditionType()
          Type of condition this SearchCondition represents
 List<SearchCondition<T>> getSearchConditions()
          List of conditions this SearchCondition may represent
 PrimitiveStatement getStatement()
          Primitive statement such a > b, i < 5, etc this condition may represent
 boolean isMet(T pojo)
          Checks if the given pojo instance meets this search condition
 String toSQL(String table, String... columns)
          Utility method for converting this condition into an SQL expression

Method Detail


boolean isMet(T pojo)
Checks if the given pojo instance meets this search condition

pojo - the object which will be checked
true if the pojo meets this search condition, false - otherwise


List<T> findAll(Collection<T> pojos)
Returns a list of pojos matching the condition

pojos - list of pojos
list of the matching pojos or null if none have been found


T getCondition()
Some SearchConditions may use instance of T to capture the actual search criteria thus making it simpler to implement isMet(T). In some cases, the code which is given SearchCondition may find it more efficient to directly deal with the captured state for a more efficient lookup of matching data/records as opposed to calling SearchCondition.isMet for every instance of T it knows about.

T the captured search criteria, can be null


PrimitiveStatement getStatement()
Primitive statement such a > b, i < 5, etc this condition may represent

primitive search statement, can be null


List<SearchCondition<T>> getSearchConditions()
List of conditions this SearchCondition may represent

list of conditions, can be null


ConditionType getConditionType()
Type of condition this SearchCondition represents

condition type


String toSQL(String table,
             String... columns)
Utility method for converting this condition into an SQL expression

table - table name
columns - column names, a wildcard as in 'SELECT * from table' will be used if names are not provided
SQL expression

Apache CXF API

Apache CXF