Apache CXF API

Class SimpleSearchCondition<T>

  extended by org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.ext.search.SimpleSearchCondition<T>
Type Parameters:
T - type of search condition.
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class SimpleSearchCondition<T>
extends Object
implements SearchCondition<T>

Simple search condition comparing primitive objects or complex object by its getters. For details see isMet(Object) description.

Constructor Summary
SimpleSearchCondition(ConditionType cType, T condition)
          Creates search condition with same operator (equality, inequality) applied in all comparison; see isMet(Object) for details of comparison.
SimpleSearchCondition(Map<String,ConditionType> getters2operators, T condition)
          Creates search condition with different operators (equality, inequality etc) specified for each getter; see isMet(Object) for details of comparison.
Method Summary
 List<T> findAll(Collection<T> pojos)
          Returns a list of pojos matching the condition
 T getCondition()
          Some SearchConditions may use instance of T to capture the actual search criteria thus making it simpler to implement isMet(T).
 ConditionType getConditionType()
          Type of condition this SearchCondition represents
 List<SearchCondition<T>> getSearchConditions()
          List of conditions this SearchCondition may represent
 PrimitiveStatement getStatement()
          Primitive statement such a > b, i < 5, etc this condition may represent
 boolean isMet(T pojo)
          Compares given object against template condition object.
 String toSQL(String table, String... columns)
          Utility method for converting this condition into an SQL expression
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public SimpleSearchCondition(ConditionType cType,
                             T condition)
Creates search condition with same operator (equality, inequality) applied in all comparison; see isMet(Object) for details of comparison.

cType - shared condition type
condition - template object


public SimpleSearchCondition(Map<String,ConditionType> getters2operators,
                             T condition)
Creates search condition with different operators (equality, inequality etc) specified for each getter; see isMet(Object) for details of comparison. Cannot be used for primitive T type due to per-getter comparison strategy.

getters2operators - getters names and operators to be used with them during comparison
condition - template object
Method Detail


public T getCondition()
Description copied from interface: SearchCondition
Some SearchConditions may use instance of T to capture the actual search criteria thus making it simpler to implement isMet(T). In some cases, the code which is given SearchCondition may find it more efficient to directly deal with the captured state for a more efficient lookup of matching data/records as opposed to calling SearchCondition.isMet for every instance of T it knows about.

Specified by:
getCondition in interface SearchCondition<T>
T the captured search criteria, can be null


public ConditionType getConditionType()
Type of condition this SearchCondition represents

When constructor with map is used it returns null.

Specified by:
getConditionType in interface SearchCondition<T>
condition type


public List<SearchCondition<T>> getSearchConditions()
Description copied from interface: SearchCondition
List of conditions this SearchCondition may represent

Specified by:
getSearchConditions in interface SearchCondition<T>
list of conditions, can be null


public boolean isMet(T pojo)
Compares given object against template condition object.

For primitive type T like String, Number (precisely, from type T located in subpackage of "java.lang.*") given object is directly compared with template object. Comparison for ConditionType.EQUALS requires correct implementation of Object.equals(Object), using inequalities requires type T implementing Comparable.

For other types comparison of given object against template object is done using these getters; returned "is met" value is conjunction ('and' operator) of comparisons per each getter. Getters of template object that return null or throw exception are not used in comparison, in extreme if all getters are excluded it means every given pojo object matches. If constructor with shared operator was used, then getters are compared using the same operator. If constructor with map of operators was used then for every getter specified operator is used (getters for missing mapping are ignored). The way that comparison per getter is done depends on operator type per getter - comparison for ConditionType.EQUALS requires correct implementation of Object.equals(Object), using inequalities requires that getter type implements Comparable.

For equality comparison and String type in template object (either being primitive or getter from complex type) it is allowed to used asterisk at the beginning or at the end of text as wild card (zero or more of any characters) e.g. "foo*", "*foo" or "*foo*". Inner asterisks are not interpreted as wild cards.


 SimpleSearchCondition<Integer> ssc = new SimpleSearchCondition<Integer>(
   ConditionType.GREATER_THAN, 10);    
 // true since 20>10 
 class Entity {
   public String getName() {...
   public int getLevel() {...
   public String getMessage() {...
 Entity template = new Entity("bbb", 10, null);
 ssc = new SimpleSearchCondition<Entity>(
   ConditionType.GREATER_THAN, template);    
 ssc.isMet(new Entity("aaa", 20, "some mesage")); 
 // false: is not met, expression '"aaa">"bbb" and 20>10' is not true  
 // since "aaa" is not greater than "bbb"; not that message is null in template hence ingored
 ssc.isMet(new Entity("ccc", 30, "other message"));
 // true: is met, expression '"ccc">"bbb" and 30>10' is true
 Map<String,ConditionType> map;
 map.put("name", ConditionType.EQUALS);
 map.put("level", ConditionType.GREATER_THAN);
 ssc = new SimpleSearchCondition<Entity>(
   ConditionType.GREATER_THAN, template);
 ssc.isMet(new Entity("ccc", 30, "other message"));
 // false due to expression '"aaa"=="ccc" and 30>10"' (note different operators)

Specified by:
isMet in interface SearchCondition<T>
pojo - the object which will be checked
true if the pojo meets this search condition, false - otherwise
IllegalAccessException - when security manager disallows reflective call of getters.


public List<T> findAll(Collection<T> pojos)
Description copied from interface: SearchCondition
Returns a list of pojos matching the condition

Specified by:
findAll in interface SearchCondition<T>
pojos - list of pojos
list of the matching pojos or null if none have been found


public String toSQL(String table,
                    String... columns)
Description copied from interface: SearchCondition
Utility method for converting this condition into an SQL expression

Specified by:
toSQL in interface SearchCondition<T>
table - table name
columns - column names, a wildcard as in 'SELECT * from table' will be used if names are not provided
SQL expression


public PrimitiveStatement getStatement()
Description copied from interface: SearchCondition
Primitive statement such a > b, i < 5, etc this condition may represent

Specified by:
getStatement in interface SearchCondition<T>
primitive search statement, can be null

Apache CXF API

Apache CXF