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AbstractFilter — class, package org.flexunit.runner.manipulation.filters
Potential base class implementing IFilter
AbstractFilter() — Constructor, class org.flexunit.runner.manipulation.filters.AbstractFilter
aClass(clazz:Class) — Static Method , class org.flexunit.runner.Request
Create a Request that, when processed, will run all the tests in a class.
ActionScriptEnvironmentBuilder — class, package org.fluint.uiImpersonation.actionScript
Builds a visual test environment for ActionScript only projects
ActionScriptEnvironmentBuilder(visualDisplayRoot:flash.display:DisplayObjectContainer) — Constructor, class org.fluint.uiImpersonation.actionScript.ActionScriptEnvironmentBuilder
ActionScriptVisualTestEnvironment — class, package org.fluint.uiImpersonation.actionScript
A proxy visual test environment for ActionScript projects
ActionScriptVisualTestEnvironment() — Constructor, class org.fluint.uiImpersonation.actionScript.ActionScriptVisualTestEnvironment
addAssertHandler(assertHandler:Function, passThroughData:Object) — method, class org.fluint.sequence.SequenceRunner
Add a reference to the event handler that should be called if the sequence completes sucessfully. The handler is expected to have the follow signature: public function handleEvent( event:Event, passThroughData:Object ):void { }
addChild(description:org.flexunit.runner:IDescription) — method, class org.flexunit.runner.Description
Adds an IDescription as a child of the receiver.
addChild(description:org.flexunit.runner:IDescription) — method, interface org.flexunit.runner.IDescription
Adds an IDescription as a child of the receiver.
addChild(child:flash.display:DisplayObject) — method, interface org.fluint.uiImpersonation.IVisualTestEnvironment
Adds a display object to the visual test environment
addChild(child:flash.display:DisplayObject) — Static Method , class org.fluint.uiImpersonation.UIImpersonator
Adds a child DisplayObject to the TestEnvironment.
addChild(child:flash.display:DisplayObject) — method, class org.fluint.uiImpersonation.VisualTestEnvironment
Add a child to test environment.
addChildAt(child:flash.display:DisplayObject, index:int) — method, interface org.fluint.uiImpersonation.IVisualTestEnvironment
Adds a display object to the visual test environment at a given position
addChildAt(child:flash.display:DisplayObject, index:int) — Static Method , class org.fluint.uiImpersonation.UIImpersonator
Adds a child DisplayObject to the TestEnvironment.
addChildAt(child:flash.display:DisplayObject, index:int) — method, class org.fluint.uiImpersonation.VisualTestEnvironment
Add a display object at the specified index.
addChildMatcher(matcher:org.hamcrest:Matcher) — method, class org.flexunit.events.rule.MultiMatcher
addElement(element:flash.display:DisplayObject) — method, interface org.fluint.uiImpersonation.IVisualTestEnvironment
Adds a visual element to the test environment
addElement(element:flash.display:DisplayObject) — Static Method , class org.fluint.uiImpersonation.UIImpersonator
Used for Flex 4 components since addChild is not used on these components.
addElement(element:flash.display:DisplayObject) — method, class org.fluint.uiImpersonation.VisualTestEnvironment
Not used in projects prior to Flex 4.
addElement(element:flash.display:DisplayObject) — method, class org.fluint.uiImpersonation.flex.FlexSparkVisualTestEnvironment
Adds a visual element to the test environment.
addElementAt(element:flash.display:DisplayObject, index:int) — method, interface org.fluint.uiImpersonation.IVisualTestEnvironment
Adds a visual element at the specified index to the test environment
addElementAt(element:flash.display:DisplayObject, index:int) — Static Method , class org.fluint.uiImpersonation.UIImpersonator
Adds an element DisplayObject to the TestEnvironment.
addElementAt(element:flash.display:DisplayObject, index:int) — method, class org.fluint.uiImpersonation.VisualTestEnvironment
Not used in projects prior to Flex 4.
addElementAt(element:flash.display:DisplayObject, index:int) — method, class org.fluint.uiImpersonation.flex.FlexSparkVisualTestEnvironment
Adds a visual element at the specified index.
addFailedAssumption(error:Error) — method, class org.flexunit.internals.runners.model.EachTestNotifier
Instructs the notifier that the test method has failed an assumption.
addFailure(targetException:Error) — method, class org.flexunit.internals.runners.model.EachTestNotifier
Instructs the notifier that the test method has encountered a failure.
addFailure(error:Error) — method, class org.flexunit.internals.runners.model.MultipleFailureException
Returns the MultipleFailureException after adding the additional failure to array of failures.
addFirstListener(listener:org.flexunit.runner.notification:IRunListener) — method, interface org.flexunit.runner.notification.IRunNotifier
Adds IRunListener to the beginning of the list of registered listeners in the IRunNotifier.
addFirstListener(listener:org.flexunit.runner.notification:IRunListener) — method, class org.flexunit.runner.notification.RunNotifier
Internal use only.
addListener(listener:org.flexunit.runner.notification:IRunListener) — method, class org.flexunit.runner.FlexUnitCore
Add a listener to be notified as the tests run.
addListener(listener:org.flexunit.runner.notification:IRunListener) — method, interface org.flexunit.runner.notification.IRunNotifier
Adds an IRunListener to the list of registered listeners in the IRunNotifier.
addListener(listener:org.flexunit.runner.notification:IRunListener) — method, class org.flexunit.runner.notification.RunNotifier
Internal use only.
addNotificationMethod(method:Function) — method, class org.flexunit.token.AsyncCoreStartupToken
Adds a notification method to the AsyncCoreStartupToken and returns the token.
addNotificationMethod(method:Function, debugClassName:String) — method, class org.flexunit.token.AsyncTestToken
Adds a notification method to the AsyncTestToken and returns the token.
addNotificationMethod(method:Function, debugClassName:String) — method, interface org.flexunit.token.IAsyncTestToken
Adds a notification method to the AsyncTestToken and returns the token.
addResolver(adr:org.flexunit.internals.dependency:IExternalDependencyResolver) — method, class org.flexunit.runner.external.ExternalDependencyToken
Adds a IExternalDependencyResolver to this token to be notified when success or failure occurs
addStep(child:org.flexunit.internals.runners.statements:IAsyncStatement) — method, class org.flexunit.internals.runners.statements.StatementSequencer
Adds a child that implements IAsyncStatement to the end of the queue of statments to execute by the sequencer.
addStep(step:org.fluint.sequence:ISequenceStep) — method, class org.fluint.sequence.SequenceRunner
Adds an ISequenceStep to the sequence.
addUncaughtErrorListener(loaderInfo:flash.display:LoaderInfo, priority:int) — method, class org.flexunit.runner.FlexUnitCore
Adds a generic listener for errors.
AFTER — Constant Static Property, class org.flexunit.constants.AnnotationConstants
Annotation constant used to mark a method or methods that should run after the execution of each test.
AFTER_CLASS — Constant Static Property, class org.flexunit.constants.AnnotationConstants
Annotation constant used to mark a method or methods that should run after the completion of all tests in a class.
AllDefaultPossibilitiesBuilder — class, package org.flexunit.internals.builders
The AllDeafultPossibilitiesBuilder is used to determine what type of IRunner can be used to run a specific testClass.
AllDefaultPossibilitiesBuilder(canUseSuiteMethod:Boolean) — Constructor, class org.flexunit.internals.builders.AllDefaultPossibilitiesBuilder
ALL_DEPENDENCIES_FOR_RUNNER_RESOLVED — Constant Static Property, class org.flexunit.internals.dependency.ExternalDependencyResolver
Event constant indicating that all outstanding dependencies are now resolved
allDependenciesResolved — Property, class org.flexunit.internals.dependency.ExternalRunnerDependencyWatcher
Indicates if there are still unresolved dependencies in any runner
allDependenciesResolved — Property, interface org.flexunit.internals.dependency.IExternalRunnerDependencyWatcher
Indicates if there are still unresolved dependencies in any runner
allListenersComplete — Property, class org.flexunit.runner.notification.async.AsyncListenerWatcher
Returns a Boolean value indicating whether all are complete
allListenersReady — Property, class org.flexunit.runner.notification.async.AsyncListenerWatcher
Returns a Boolean value indicating whether all listeners are ready
AllMembersSupplier — class, package org.flexunit.experimental.theories.internals
The AllMembersSupplier determines what values can be applied to parameters in theories in a specific theory test method.
AllMembersSupplier(testClass:org.flexunit.runners.model:TestClass) — Constructor, class org.flexunit.experimental.theories.internals.AllMembersSupplier
ALLOWABLE_FRAME_USE — Constant Static Property, class org.flexunit.internals.runners.watcher.FrameWatcher
allUnassigned(method:flex.lang.reflect:Method, testClass:org.flexunit.runners.model:TestClass) — Static Method , class org.flexunit.experimental.theories.internals.Assignments
This is perhaps a tad bit more complicated than really needed for AS.
AnnotationArgumentConstants — class, package org.flexunit.constants
AnnotationConstants — class, package org.flexunit.constants
apply(obj:Object, argArray:any) — method, class flex.lang.reflect.Method
Calls apply on the method
apply(base:org.flexunit.internals.runners.statements:IAsyncStatement, method:org.flexunit.runners.model:FrameworkMethod, test:Object) — method, class org.flexunit.internals.runners.statements.MethodRuleBase
Called when this rule is added to the wrapping set of statements before a test method exectuion
apply(base:org.flexunit.internals.runners.statements:IAsyncStatement, method:org.flexunit.runners.model:FrameworkMethod, test:Object) — method, interface org.flexunit.rules.IMethodRule
Called when this rule is added to the wrapping set of statements before a test method exectuion
apply(child:Object) — method, interface org.flexunit.runner.manipulation.IFilter
Invoke with a org.flexunit.runner.IRunner to cause all tests it intends to run to first be checked with the filter.
apply(object:Object) — method, interface org.flexunit.runner.manipulation.ISorter
Sorts the test in runner using compare function.
apply(object:Object) — method, class org.flexunit.runner.manipulation.OrderArgumentPlusAlphaSorter
Sorts the test in runner using compare function.
apply(object:Object) — method, class org.flexunit.runner.manipulation.OrderArgumentPlusInheritanceSorter
Sorts the test in runner using compare function.
apply(object:Object) — method, class org.flexunit.runner.manipulation.OrderArgumentSorter
Sorts the test in runner using compare function.
apply(object:Object) — method, class org.flexunit.runner.manipulation.Sorter
Sorts the test in runner using comparator/
apply(child:Object) — method, class org.flexunit.runner.manipulation.filters.AbstractFilter
Invoke with a org.flexunit.runner.IRunner to cause all tests it intends to run to first be checked with the filter.
applyExplosively(target:Object, params:Array) — method, class org.flexunit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod
Calls the method with the provided set of params for the target class.
approximateMode — Property, class org.flexunit.internals.runners.watcher.FrameWatcher
args — Property, class org.fluint.sequence.SequenceCaller
An array that contains the arguments to the method that will be called
argsFunction — Property, class org.fluint.sequence.SequenceCaller
Function that returns an array of arguments to be passed to the method.
arguments — Property, class flex.lang.reflect.metadata.MetaDataAnnotation
Getter for retrieving an array of arguments specified for the metadata annotation.
arguments — Property, class org.flexunit.runners.model.ParameterizedMethod
Arguments to be passed to the test
ARRAY_ELEMENT_TYPE — Constant Static Property, class org.flexunit.constants.AnnotationConstants
Annotation constant used to specify the data type of items in an array.
asClass — Property, class flex.lang.reflect.Klass
Returns the Class definition defined by the Klass
asClass — Property, class org.flexunit.runners.model.TestClass
Returns the underlying class.
Assert — class, package org.flexunit
A set of assert methods.
assertEquals(... rest) — Package Function, org.flexunit.asserts
Alias for org.flexunit.Assert assertEquals method
assertEquals(... rest) — Static Method , class org.flexunit.Assert
Asserts that two provided values are equal.
assertFalse(... rest) — Package Function, org.flexunit.asserts
Alias for org.flexunit.Assert assertFalse method
assertFalse(... rest) — Static Method , class org.flexunit.Assert
Asserts that a condition is false.
AssertionError — class, package org.flexunit
Error class used for failures in assertions
AssertionError(message:String, id:int) — Constructor, class org.flexunit.AssertionError
Throws a new Error of type AssertionError with the passed in message
assertionsMade — Static Property, class org.flexunit.Assert
Returns the number of assertions that have been made
assertNotNull(... rest) — Package Function, org.flexunit.asserts
Alias for org.flexunit.Assert assertNotNull method
assertNotNull(... rest) — Static Method , class org.flexunit.Assert
Asserts that an object is not null.
assertNull(... rest) — Package Function, org.flexunit.asserts
Alias for org.flexunit.Assert assertNull method
assertNull(... rest) — Static Method , class org.flexunit.Assert
Asserts that an object is null.
assertStrictlyEquals(... rest) — Package Function, org.flexunit.asserts
Alias for org.flexunit.Assert assertStrictlyEquals method
assertStrictlyEquals(... rest) — Static Method , class org.flexunit.Assert
/ Asserts that the provided values are strictly equal.
assertThat(... rest) — Package Function, org.flexunit
Creates a hamcrest style assertion using assertThat
assertTrue(... rest) — Package Function, org.flexunit.asserts
Alias for org.flexunit.Assert assertTrue method
assertTrue(... rest) — Static Method , class org.flexunit.Assert
Asserts that a condition is true.
assigned — Property, class org.flexunit.experimental.theories.internals.Assignments
An array of IPotentialAssignments that have been assigned values.
Assignments — class, package org.flexunit.experimental.theories.internals
The Assignments is responsible for keeping track of assigned and unassigned parameters for a given configuration of a theory method.
Assignments(assigned:Array, unassigned:Array, testClass:org.flexunit.runners.model:TestClass) — Constructor, class org.flexunit.experimental.theories.internals.Assignments
AssignmentSequencer — class, package org.flexunit.experimental.runners.statements
The AssignmentSequencer is responsible for the sequencing of parameters to be provided to a particular theory method test.
AssignmentSequencer(parameterAssignment:org.flexunit.experimental.theories.internals:Assignments, frameworkMethod:org.flexunit.runners.model:FrameworkMethod, testClass:Class, anchor:org.flexunit.experimental.runners.statements:TheoryAnchor) — Constructor, class org.flexunit.experimental.runners.statements.AssignmentSequencer
assignNext(source:org.flexunit.experimental.theories:IPotentialAssignment) — method, class org.flexunit.experimental.theories.internals.Assignments
Creates a new Assignments consiting of the assigned array containing the new source and the the array of still unassigned ParameterSignatures minus the first element which was just assigned.
Assume — class, package org.flexunit
A set of methods useful for stating assumptions about the conditions in which a test is meaningful.
assumeNoException(e:Error) — Static Method , class org.flexunit.Assume
Use to assume that an operation completes normally.
assumeNotNull(... rest) — Static Method , class org.flexunit.Assume
If called with one or more null elements in objects, the test will halt and be ignored.
assumeThat(actual:Object, matcher:org.hamcrest:Matcher) — Package Function, org.flexunit
assumeThat(actual:Object, matcher:org.hamcrest:Matcher) — Static Method , class org.flexunit.Assume
Call to assume that actual satisfies the condition specified by matcher.
assumeTrue(b:Boolean) — Static Method , class org.flexunit.Assume
If called with an expression evaluating to false, the test will halt and be ignored.
AssumptionViolatedException — class, package org.flexunit.internals
The AssumptionViolatedException is thrown when an assumption in a test evalutes to false.
AssumptionViolatedException(value:Object, matcher:org.hamcrest:Matcher) — Constructor, class org.flexunit.internals.AssumptionViolatedException
Async — class, package org.flexunit.async
The Async class contains static methods used in the handling of events in asynchronous methods in a particular test case.
ASYNC — Constant Static Property, class org.flexunit.constants.AnnotationArgumentConstants
Argument constant used in the Test, Before, After, BeforeClass and AfterClass metadata to specify that Asynchronous functionality should be enabled for this method.
AsyncCoreStartupToken — class, package org.flexunit.token
The AsyncCoreStartupToken is used when the FlexUnit frameworks needs to wait for an asynchronous operation before it can begin test execution.
AsyncCoreStartupToken() — Constructor, class org.flexunit.token.AsyncCoreStartupToken
asyncErrorConditionHandler(eventHandler:Function) — method, class org.flexunit.internals.runners.statements.ExpectAsync
asyncErrorConditionHandler(eventHandler:Function) — method, interface org.flexunit.internals.runners.statements.IAsyncHandlingStatement
AsyncEvent — class, package org.flexunit.events
An AsyncEvent is fired by the AsyncHandler when an asynchronous event, registered by the TestCase, fires.
AsyncEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, originalEvent:flash.events:Event) — Constructor, class org.flexunit.events.AsyncEvent
asyncHandler(testCase:Object, eventHandler:Function, timeout:int, passThroughData:Object, timeoutHandler:Function) — Static Method , class org.flexunit.async.Async
This method works similarly to the handleEvent, however, whereas the handleEvent does all of the work to handle a specific event, this method simply returns an eventHandler (function) which you use within your own addEventListener() methods.
asyncHandler(eventHandler:Function, timeout:int, passThroughData:Object, timeoutHandler:Function) — method, class org.flexunit.internals.runners.statements.ExpectAsync
Creates an AsyncHandler that pend and either call the eventHandler or the timeoutHandler, passing the passThroughData, depending on whether the timeout period has been reached.
asyncHandler(eventHandler:Function, timeout:int, passThroughData:Object, timeoutHandler:Function) — method, interface org.flexunit.internals.runners.statements.IAsyncHandlingStatement
Creates an AsyncHandler that pend and either call the eventHandler or the timeoutHandler, passing the passThroughData, depending on whether the timeout period has been reached.
AsyncHandler — class, package org.flexunit.async
AsyncHandlers are created when the developer calls the TestCase.asyncHandler() method.
AsyncHandler(eventHandler:Function, timeout:int, passThroughData:Object, timeoutHandler:Function) — Constructor, class org.flexunit.async.AsyncHandler
AsyncListenerWatcher — class, package org.flexunit.runner.notification.async
The AsyncListenerWatcher is responsible for determing whether all IAsyncStartupRunListeners that it is watching are ready.
AsyncListenerWatcher(notifier:org.flexunit.runner.notification:IRunNotifier, logger:any) — Constructor, class org.flexunit.runner.notification.async.AsyncListenerWatcher
AsyncLocator — class, package org.flexunit.async
The AsyncLocator is used to keep track of test cases that have implemented asynchronous functionality.
asyncNativeResponder(testCase:Object, resultHandler:Function, faultHandler:Function, timeout:int, passThroughData:Object, timeoutHandler:Function) — Static Method , class org.flexunit.async.Async
This method works in a similar fashion to handleEvent, however, it is intended to work with AsyncTokens and Responders as opposed to events.
asyncNativeResponder(resultHandler:Function, faultHandler:Function, timeout:int, passThroughData:Object, timeoutHandler:Function) — method, class org.flexunit.internals.runners.statements.ExpectAsync
Creates an IAsyncTestResponder that pend and either call the eventHandler or the timeoutHandler, passing the passThroughData, depending on whether the timeout period has been reached.
asyncNativeResponder(resultHandler:Function, faultHandler:Function, timeout:int, passThroughData:Object, timeoutHandler:Function) — method, interface org.flexunit.internals.runners.statements.IAsyncHandlingStatement
Creates an IAsyncNativeTestResponder that pend and either call the eventHandler or the timeoutHandler, passing the passThroughData, depending on whether the timeout period has been reached.
AsyncNativeTestResponder — class, package org.flexunit.async
A respoder for asynchronous tests that contains result and fault handlers for the test succeeding or the test failing to succeed.
AsyncNativeTestResponder(resultHandler:Function, faultHandler:Function) — Constructor, class org.flexunit.async.AsyncNativeTestResponder
asyncResponder(testCase:Object, responder:any, timeout:int, passThroughData:Object, timeoutHandler:Function) — Static Method , class org.flexunit.async.Async
asyncResponder(responder:any, timeout:int, passThroughData:Object, timeoutHandler:Function) — method, class org.flexunit.internals.runners.statements.ExpectAsync
Creates an IAsyncTestResponder that pend and either call the eventHandler or the timeoutHandler, passing the passThroughData, depending on whether the timeout period has been reached.
asyncResponder(responder:any, timeout:int, passThroughData:Object, timeoutHandler:Function) — method, interface org.flexunit.internals.runners.statements.IAsyncHandlingStatement
Creates an IAsyncTestResponder that pend and either call the eventHandler or the timeoutHandler, passing the passThroughData, depending on whether the timeout period has been reached.
AsyncResponseEvent — class, package org.flexunit.events
An AsyncResponseEvent is event that is fired when an asynchronous test has recieved a response from an IAsyncTestTresponder.
AsyncResponseEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, originalResponder:any, status:String, data:Object) — Constructor, class org.flexunit.events.AsyncResponseEvent
AsyncStatementBase — class, package org.flexunit.internals.runners.statements
The AsyncStatementBase is responsible for notifiying a parent token that a task has been completed.
AsyncStatementBase() — Constructor, class org.flexunit.internals.runners.statements.AsyncStatementBase
AsyncTestResponder — class, package org.flexunit.async
A respoder for asynchronous tests that contains result and fault handlers for the test succeeding or the test failing to succeed.
AsyncTestResponder(originalResponder:any) — Constructor, class org.flexunit.async.AsyncTestResponder
AsyncTestToken — Dynamic Class, package org.flexunit.token
The AsyncTestToken is responsible for indicating that a given task has completed.
AsyncTestToken(debugClassName:String) — Constructor, class org.flexunit.token.AsyncTestToken
atLeast(value:Number) — method, class org.flexunit.events.rule.EventExpectations
atLeast(value:Number) — method, interface org.flexunit.events.rule.IEventExpectation
atLeast(value:Number) — method, class org.flexunit.events.rule.QuantityMatcher
atMost(value:Number) — method, class org.flexunit.events.rule.EventExpectations
atMost(value:Number) — method, interface org.flexunit.events.rule.IEventExpectation
atMost(value:Number) — method, class org.flexunit.events.rule.QuantityMatcher
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