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generateDescription() — method, class org.flexunit.runners.ParentRunner
Returns an IDescription of the test class that the runner is running.
getActualValues(start:int, stop:int, nullsOk:Boolean) — method, class org.flexunit.experimental.theories.internals.Assignments
Returns an array of values from IPotentialAssignments ranging from the start poisition to the stop position in the assigned array.
getAllArguments(nullsOk:Boolean) — method, class org.flexunit.experimental.theories.internals.Assignments
Retrieves an array of all arguments from the assigned array.
getAllMetadata() — method, class org.flexunit.runner.Description
Returns all of the metadata that is attached to this description node.
getAllMetadata() — method, interface org.flexunit.runner.IDescription
Returns all of the metadata that is attached to this description node.
getAnnotatedSupplier(unassigned:org.flexunit.experimental.theories:ParameterSignature) — method, class org.flexunit.experimental.theories.internals.Assignments
Retrieves an object that implements IParameterSupplier that can be used to obtain potential values for the provided ParameterSignature.
getAnnotation(type:String) — method, class org.flexunit.experimental.theories.ParameterSignature
Determine if there is a name attribute in the metadata that matches the supplied type.
getArgsFromFromNode(node:XML, metaDataName:String) — Static Method , class flex.lang.reflect.utils.MetadataTools
Returns the metadata of node if it contains metaDataName
getArgument(key:String, caseInsensitive:Boolean) — method, class flex.lang.reflect.metadata.MetaDataAnnotation
Returns the MetaDataArgument associated with a given argument using the argument's key
getArgumentStrings(nullsOk:Boolean) — method, class org.flexunit.experimental.theories.internals.Assignments
Returns an array of descriptions for all currently assigned IPotentialAssignments.
getArgValueFromDescription(description:XML, metadata:String, key:String) — Static Method , class flex.lang.reflect.utils.MetadataTools
Determine if an XML description contains metadata with the attribute specified by key.
getArgValueFromMetaDataNode(node:XML, metaDataName:String, key:String) — Static Method , class flex.lang.reflect.utils.MetadataTools
Returns the value of a node with metadata matching metadata with key of key.
getArgValueFromSingleMetaDataNode(node:XML, key:String) — Static Method , class flex.lang.reflect.utils.MetadataTools
Determine if the node XML contains an argument with key matching key.
getCallableForTest(testCase:Object) — Static Method , class org.flexunit.async.AsyncLocator
Retrieves the IAsyncHandlingStatement for the provided testCase.
getCauses() — method, class org.flexunit.internals.runners.InitializationError
Returns one or more Throwables that led to this initialization error.
getChildAt(index:int) — method, interface org.fluint.uiImpersonation.IVisualTestEnvironment
Returns a child in the visual test environment at a given index
getChildAt(index:int) — Static Method , class org.fluint.uiImpersonation.UIImpersonator
Gets the nth child component object.
getChildAt(index:int) — method, class org.fluint.uiImpersonation.VisualTestEnvironment
Retrieves the child at the specified index without removing the child.
getChildByName(name:String) — method, interface org.fluint.uiImpersonation.IVisualTestEnvironment
Returns a child in the visual test environment with a given name
getChildByName(name:String) — Static Method , class org.fluint.uiImpersonation.UIImpersonator
Returns the child whose name property is the specified String.
getChildByName(name:String) — method, class org.fluint.uiImpersonation.VisualTestEnvironment
Retrieves the child with the specified name without removing the child\
getChildIndex(child:flash.display:DisplayObject) — method, interface org.fluint.uiImpersonation.IVisualTestEnvironment
Returns the index of a child in the visual test environment
getChildIndex(child:flash.display:DisplayObject) — Static Method , class org.fluint.uiImpersonation.UIImpersonator
Gets the zero-based index of a specific child.
getChildIndex(child:flash.display:DisplayObject) — method, class org.fluint.uiImpersonation.VisualTestEnvironment
Retrieves the index of the specified child in the test environment
getClassFromName(name:String) — Static Method , class flex.lang.reflect.Klass
Static method.
getClassFromTest(test:flexunit.framework:Test) — Static Method , class org.flexunit.internals.runners.FlexUnit1ClassRunner
Returns the Class for a provided Test.
getConstructorArguments(nullsOk:Boolean) — method, class org.flexunit.experimental.theories.internals.Assignments
Retrieves an array of constructor arguments from the assigned array.
getDefaultTextListener(logLevel:int) — Static Method , class org.flexunit.internals.TextListener
Returns a default instance of the TextListener.
getDescription() — method, interface org.flexunit.experimental.theories.IPotentialAssignment
Returns the name of the variable associated with the PotentialAssignment.
getDescription() — method, class org.flexunit.experimental.theories.PotentialAssignment
Returns the name of the variable associated with the PotentialAssignment.
getElementAt(index:int) — method, interface org.fluint.uiImpersonation.IVisualTestEnvironment
Returns the visual element at the specified index in the test environment
getElementAt(elementIndex:int) — Static Method , class org.fluint.uiImpersonation.UIImpersonator
Gets the nth element component object.
getElementAt(index:int) — method, class org.fluint.uiImpersonation.VisualTestEnvironment
Not used in projects prior to Flex 4.
getElementAt(index:int) — method, class org.fluint.uiImpersonation.flex.FlexSparkVisualTestEnvironment
Returns the visual element at the specified index without removing the element
getElementIndex(element:flash.display:DisplayObject) — method, interface org.fluint.uiImpersonation.IVisualTestEnvironment
Returns the index of the specified visual element in the test environment
getElementIndex(element:flash.display:DisplayObject) — Static Method , class org.fluint.uiImpersonation.UIImpersonator
Gets the zero-based index of a specific child.
getElementIndex(element:flash.display:DisplayObject) — method, class org.fluint.uiImpersonation.VisualTestEnvironment
Not used in projects prior to Flex 4.
getElementIndex(element:flash.display:DisplayObject) — method, class org.fluint.uiImpersonation.flex.FlexSparkVisualTestEnvironment
Retrieves the index of the specified visual element.
getExecutingStep() — method, class org.fluint.sequence.SequenceRunner
Returns the ISequenceStep currently executing.
getField(name:String) — method, class flex.lang.reflect.Klass
Returns the Field matching the paramater name.
getInheritedOrder(description:org.flexunit.runner:IDescription, superFirst:Boolean) — method, class org.flexunit.runner.manipulation.sortingInheritance.ClassInheritanceOrderCache
Returns the order of this method description relative to others in the super/subclasses
getInheritedOrder(description:org.flexunit.runner:IDescription, superFirst:Boolean) — method, interface org.flexunit.runner.manipulation.sortingInheritance.ISortingInheritanceCache
Returns the ordering of this item with respect to its inheritance hierarchy
getInstance(visualDisplayRoot:flash.display:DisplayObjectContainer) — Static Method , class org.fluint.uiImpersonation.VisualTestEnvironmentBuilder
Returns a reference to the single instance of this class where all visual components will be created during testing.
getLoggerFriendlyClassName(instanceOrClass:Object) — Static Method , class org.flexunit.utils.ClassNameUtil
Returns a logger friendly class name for the provided instance or class.
getMessage() — method, class org.flexunit.internals.AssumptionViolatedException
getMetaData(name:String) — method, class flex.lang.reflect.Field
Returns the MetaDataAnnotation associated with a given annotation using the annotation's name
getMetaData(name:String) — method, class flex.lang.reflect.Klass
Returns the MetaDataAnnotation associated with a given annotation using the annotation's name
getMetaData(name:String) — method, class flex.lang.reflect.Method
Returns the MetaDataAnnotation associated with a given annotation using the annotation's name
getMetaDataFields(metaTag:String, static:Boolean) — method, class org.flexunit.runners.model.TestClass
getMetaDataMethods(metaTag:String) — method, class org.flexunit.runners.model.TestClass
Returns, efficiently, all the non-overridden methods in this class and its superclasses that contain the metadata tag metaTag.
getMetaDataNodeFromNodesList(nodes:XMLList, type:String) — Static Method , class flex.lang.reflect.utils.MetadataTools
Retrieves a metadata node with a specific name in the provided nodes XMLList.
getMethod(name:String) — method, class flex.lang.reflect.Klass
Returns the Method instance with the provided name.
getMethodArguments(nullsOk:Boolean) — method, class org.flexunit.experimental.theories.internals.Assignments
Retrieves an array of method arguments from the assigned array.
getMethodBlock(method:org.flexunit.runners.model:FrameworkMethod) — method, class org.flexunit.experimental.runners.statements.TheoryBlockRunner
Retrieves an object that implements a IAsyncStatement for a specific theory test method that will run a theory with a subset of potential parameters that the theory can be run with.
getMethodNameFromDescription(description:org.flexunit.runner:IDescription) — Static Method , class org.flexunit.utils.DescriptionUtil
Returns a method name based on the provided description.
getMethodReturnType(method:XML) — Static Method , class flex.lang.reflect.utils.MetadataTools
Returns the return type of paramater method XML node as a String.
getMethodsDecoratedBy(methodList:XMLList, metadata:String) — Static Method , class flex.lang.reflect.utils.MetadataTools
getMethodsList(description:XML) — Static Method , class flex.lang.reflect.utils.MetadataTools
Returns an XMLList containing method nodes of the description XML.
getObj(obj:Object) — method, class flex.lang.reflect.Field
Retrieves the actual field represented by this Field object within the instance or class where it exists.
getOrderValueFrom(object:org.flexunit.runner:IDescription) — method, class org.flexunit.runner.manipulation.OrderArgumentSorter
Determines the value of the order for the argument if an order exists.
getOrderValueFrom(field:flex.lang.reflect:Field) — method, class org.flexunit.runner.manipulation.fields.FieldMetaDataSorter
Determines the value of the order for the argument if an order exists.
getPendingStep() — method, class org.fluint.sequence.SequenceRunner
Returns the ISequenceStep currently executing.
getRunner() — method, class org.flexunit.runner.Request
getSpecificMetaDataArgValue(metaDataTag:String, key:String) — method, class org.flexunit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod
Returns a metadata argument string based on whether the method's metadata has a matching metaDataTag and key.
getStage() — method, class org.flexunit.internals.runners.watcher.FrameWatcher
getStep(stepIndex:int) — method, class org.fluint.sequence.SequenceRunner
Returns the ISequenceStep at a specified index.
getSupplier(unassigned:org.flexunit.experimental.theories:ParameterSignature) — method, class org.flexunit.experimental.theories.internals.Assignments
Retrieves an object that implements IParameterSupplier that can be used to obtain potential values for the provided ParameterSignature.
getValue() — method, interface org.flexunit.experimental.theories.IPotentialAssignment
Returns the value of the PotentialAssignment.
getValue() — method, class org.flexunit.experimental.theories.PotentialAssignment
Returns the value of the PotentialAssignment.
getValueSources(sig:org.flexunit.experimental.theories:ParameterSignature) — method, interface org.flexunit.experimental.theories.IParameterSupplier
Generates an Array containing all possible values that can be associated with a particular sig for a parameter in a theory test method.
getValueSources(sig:org.flexunit.experimental.theories:ParameterSignature) — method, class org.flexunit.experimental.theories.internals.AllMembersSupplier
Generates an Array containing all possible values that a particular ParameterSignature could have.
greaterThan(value:Number) — method, class org.flexunit.events.rule.EventExpectations
greaterThan(value:Number) — method, interface org.flexunit.events.rule.IEventExpectation
greaterThan(value:Number) — method, class org.flexunit.events.rule.QuantityMatcher
greaterThanOrEqualTo(value:Number) — method, class org.flexunit.events.rule.EventExpectations
greaterThanOrEqualTo(value:Number) — method, interface org.flexunit.events.rule.IEventExpectation
greaterThanOrEqualTo(value:Number) — method, class org.flexunit.events.rule.QuantityMatcher
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