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matches(events:Object) — method, class org.flexunit.events.rule.MultiMatcher
matches(item:Object) — method, class org.flexunit.events.rule.QuantityMatcher
message — Property, class org.flexunit.runner.notification.Failure
Convenience method.
metadata — Property, class flex.lang.reflect.Field
Retrieves an array of MetaDataAnnotation instances associated with the Field
metadata — Property, class flex.lang.reflect.Klass
Returns an Array of MetaDataAnnotation instances decorating the Class
metadata — Property, class flex.lang.reflect.Method
Returns an array of MetaDataAnnotation instances associated with this Method.
metadata — Property, class org.flexunit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod
Returns the method's metadata.
metadata — Property, class org.flexunit.runners.model.TestClass
Returns the metadata on this class.
MetaDataAnnotation — class, package flex.lang.reflect.metadata
An object representing an annotation represented as a metadata tag, in the example [Test(arg="1")] Test is the annotation.
MetaDataAnnotation(metaDataXML:XML) — Constructor, class flex.lang.reflect.metadata.MetaDataAnnotation
Constructor Parses nodes returned from a call to describeType to provide an object wrapper for annotations Expected format of the argument is
MetaDataAnnotationBuilder — class, package flex.lang.reflect.builders
MetaDataAnnotationBuilder(classXML:XML) — Constructor, class flex.lang.reflect.builders.MetaDataAnnotationBuilder
MetaDataArgument — class, package flex.lang.reflect.metadata
An object representing an argument of a metadata tag, in the example [Test(arg="1")] arg="1" is the argument.
MetaDataArgument(argumentXML:XML) — Constructor, class flex.lang.reflect.metadata.MetaDataArgument
Constructor Parses nodes returned from a call to describeType to provide an object wrapper.
metaDataBuilder() — method, class org.flexunit.internals.builders.AllDefaultPossibilitiesBuilder
Returns a MetaDataBuilder.
MetaDataBuilder — class, package org.flexunit.internals.builders
The MetaDataBuilder potentially builds an IRunner runner that is specificed in the metadata tag for a specific test class.
MetaDataBuilder(suiteBuilder:org.flexunit.runners.model:IRunnerBuilder) — Constructor, class org.flexunit.internals.builders.MetaDataBuilder
MetadataTools — class, package flex.lang.reflect.utils
The MetadataTools contains methods that are responsible for the parsing and interpretation of XML metadata.
method(clazz:Class, methodName:String) — Static Method , class org.flexunit.runner.Request
Create a Request that, when processed, will run a single test.
method — Property, class org.flexunit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod
Returns the underlying method.
method — Property, class org.fluint.sequence.SequenceCaller
A method to be executed when this step occurs
Method — class, package flex.lang.reflect
An object representing a method of a class or instance.
Method(methodXML:XML, isStatic:Boolean) — Constructor, class flex.lang.reflect.Method
Constructor Parses <method/> nodes returned from a call to <code>describeType</code> to provide an object wrapper for Methods Expected format of the argument is <method name="someMethod" declaredBy="tests::SomeClass" returnType="void"> <metadata name="Before"> <arg key="order" value="2"/> </metadata> </method>
methodBlock(method:org.flexunit.runners.model:FrameworkMethod) — method, class org.flexunit.experimental.runners.statements.TheoryBlockRunner
Returns an IStatement that, when executed, either returns normally if method passes, or throws an exception if method fails.
methodBlock(method:org.flexunit.runners.model:FrameworkMethod) — method, class org.flexunit.experimental.theories.Theories
Returns a TheoryAnchor for the given theory method in the test class.
methodBlock(method:org.flexunit.runners.model:FrameworkMethod) — method, class org.flexunit.runners.BlockFlexUnit4ClassRunner
Returns an IStatement that, when executed, either returns normally if method passes, or throws an exception if method fails.
MethodBuilder — class, package flex.lang.reflect.builders
Object responsible for building method objects
MethodBuilder(classXML:XML, inheritance:Array) — Constructor, class flex.lang.reflect.builders.MethodBuilder
Resposible for building method instances from XML descriptions
MethodCompleteWithParamsStatement — class, package org.flexunit.experimental.runners.statements
The MethodCompleteWithParamsStaetement is responsible for executing a theory method with a single set of parameters.
MethodCompleteWithParamsStatement(frameworkMethod:org.flexunit.runners.model:FrameworkMethod, anchor:org.flexunit.experimental.runners.statements:TheoryAnchor, complete:org.flexunit.experimental.theories.internals:Assignments, freshInstance:Object) — Constructor, class org.flexunit.experimental.runners.statements.MethodCompleteWithParamsStatement
methodHandler — Property, class org.flexunit.events.AsyncResponseEvent
methodInvoker(method:org.flexunit.runners.model:FrameworkMethod, test:Object) — method, class org.flexunit.experimental.runners.statements.TheoryBlockRunner
Creates a MethodCompleteWithParamsStatement that is used to execute the theory method for a specific set of Assignments.
methodInvoker(method:org.flexunit.runners.model:FrameworkMethod, test:Object) — method, class org.flexunit.internals.runners.statements.SequencerWithDecoration
Creates an InvokeMethod object for the given method and test class
methodInvoker(method:org.flexunit.runners.model:FrameworkMethod, test:Object) — method, class org.flexunit.runners.BlockFlexUnit4ClassRunner
Returns an IAsyncStatement that invokes method on test
MethodNameFilter — class, package org.flexunit.runner.manipulation.filters
Filter that matches method names.
MethodNameFilter(methodNames:Array) — Constructor, class org.flexunit.runner.manipulation.filters.MethodNameFilter
MethodRuleBase — class, package org.flexunit.internals.runners.statements
Base implemention class for an IMethodRule.
MethodRuleBase() — Constructor, class org.flexunit.internals.runners.statements.MethodRuleBase
methods — Property, class flex.lang.reflect.Klass
Returns an Array of Method instances representing the static and instance methods of this class.
methods(clazz:Class, methodNames:Array) — Static Method , class org.flexunit.runner.Request
methodWithGuaranteedOrderMetaData(method:flex.lang.reflect:Method, methodIndex:int, totalMethods:int) — method, class org.flexunit.runners.model.ParameterizedMethod
Produces a new method with modified order metadata to ensure a consistent order of execution as compared to the data set order
methodXML — Property, class flex.lang.reflect.Method
Returns the XML used to build this Method
monitorForAsyncStartup(listener:org.flexunit.runner.notification:IAsyncStartupRunListener) — method, class org.flexunit.runner.notification.async.AsyncListenerWatcher
Monitors the IAsyncStartupRunListener to determine if the listener is ready or if the listener has failed
monitorForDependency(dr:org.flexunit.internals.dependency:IExternalDependencyResolver) — method, class org.flexunit.internals.dependency.ExternalRunnerDependencyWatcher
Monitors an IExternalDependencyResolver for success or failure to resolve a dependency
MultiMatcher — class, package org.flexunit.events.rule
MultiMatcher() — Constructor, class org.flexunit.events.rule.MultiMatcher
MultipleFailureException — class, package org.flexunit.internals.runners.model
The MultipleFailureExecption is used to store information on multiple errors that were encountered during the execution of a task.
MultipleFailureException(errors:Array) — Constructor, class org.flexunit.internals.runners.model.MultipleFailureException
myToken — Property, class org.flexunit.internals.runners.statements.AsyncStatementBase
The AsyncTestToken for the current statment.
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