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singa::NeuralNet Class Reference

The neural network is constructed from user configured layers through google protocol buffer. More...

#include <neuralnet.h>

Public Member Functions

 NeuralNet (NetProto net_proto, int group_size=1)
 construct the net structure from protocol buffer.
std::string ToString ()
 construct a json string representing the neuralnet graph. More...
string DebugInfo ()
 Print Norm1 of data and grad of each Layer and parameter. More...
std::string ToAdjacency ()
 to display the adjacency layers
void AddLayer (const LayerProto &layer_proto)
 Add layer explicitly used in manually programming/constructing neural net.
void AddLayer (const Layer *layer)
 Add layer explicitly used in manually programming/constructing neural net.
void ShareParams (shared_ptr< NeuralNet > other, int flag)
 share weights from other neuralnet
void ToProto (NetProto *net_proto, bool copyData=false)
const std::vector< shared_ptr
< Layer > > & 
layers ()
const std::vector< ParserLayer * > & parserlayers ()
 return ParserLayer of the neuralnet.
const std::vector< LossLayer * > & losslayers ()
const std::vector< DataLayer * > & datalayers ()
const std::vector< shared_ptr
< Param > > & 
params () const
shared_ptr< Layername2layer (string name)
shared_ptr< Paramparamid2param (int id)

Static Public Member Functions

static void RegisterLayers ()
 Register Layers.
static shared_ptr< NeuralNetSetupNeuralNet (const NetProto &np, Phase phase, int group_size)
 Setup the neural network for training, test or validation. More...

Protected Member Functions

void ConstructNeuralNet (const NetProto &net_proto)
void PartitionNeuralNet ()
map< string, shared_ptr< Layer > > GetNameToLayer (const vector< shared_ptr< Layer >> &layers)
Graph CreatePartitonedGraph (const vector< shared_ptr< Layer >> &layers, const map< string, shared_ptr< Layer >> &name2layer)
map< string, vector
< shared_ptr< Layer > > > 
PartitionLayers (const vector< shared_ptr< Layer >> &layers)
 Partition each layer according its partition type and dimension. More...

Protected Attributes

vector< shared_ptr< Layer > > layers_
vector< ParserLayer * > parserlayers_
vector< LossLayer * > losslayers_
vector< DataLayer * > datalayers_
vector< shared_ptr< Param > > params_
map< string, shared_ptr< Layer > > name2layer_
map< int, shared_ptr< Param > > paramid2param_
map< string, LayerProtoname2layerproto_
int group_size_
Graph graph_

Detailed Description

The neural network is constructed from user configured layers through google protocol buffer.

TODO support constructing neural network by adding layers explicitly. E.g., users create layers and connect them manually in the code.

Some layers, e.g., SplitLayer and BridgeSrcLayer/BridgeDstLayer will be added implicitly to partition the neural network.

Member Function Documentation

string singa::NeuralNet::DebugInfo ( )

Print Norm1 of data and grad of each Layer and parameter.

map<string, vector<shared_ptr<Layer> > > singa::NeuralNet::PartitionLayers ( const vector< shared_ptr< Layer >> &  layers)

Partition each layer according its partition type and dimension.

layersoriginal unpartitioned layers
static shared_ptr<NeuralNet> singa::NeuralNet::SetupNeuralNet ( const NetProto np,
Phase  phase,
int  group_size 

Setup the neural network for training, test or validation.

Parameters for test/validation net can share those from training after setup (done outside of this funcion).

npproto for the neural network.
group_sizepartition the net among this num of workers
std::string singa::NeuralNet::ToString ( )

construct a json string representing the neuralnet graph.

The json string can be used by other graph engine to draw a figure for displaying the neuralnet structure.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: