Xalan-C++ API Documentation

The Xalan C++ XSLT Processor Version 1.9

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ElemExtensionCall Class Reference

Inheritance diagram for ElemExtensionCall:

Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for ElemExtensionCall:

Collaboration graph
List of all members.

Public Member Functions

Static Public Member Functions

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

ElemExtensionCall::ElemExtensionCall StylesheetConstructionContext constructionContext,
Stylesheet stylesheetTree,
const XalanDOMChar *  name,
const AttributeListType atts,
int  lineNumber,
int  columnNumber,
ExtensionNSHandler ns

Construct an object corresponding to calling an XSL extension.

constructionContext context for construction of object
stylesheetTree stylesheet containing element
name name of element
atts list of attributes for element
lineNumber line number in document
columnNumber column number in document
ns handler for the extension

Member Function Documentation

ElemExtensionCall* ElemExtensionCall::create MemoryManagerType theManager,
StylesheetConstructionContext constructionContext,
Stylesheet stylesheetTree,
const XalanDOMChar *  name,
const AttributeListType atts,
int  lineNumber,
int  columnNumber,
ExtensionNSHandler ns

bool ElemExtensionCall::elementAvailable StylesheetExecutionContext executionContext  )  const

virtual void ElemExtensionCall::endElement StylesheetExecutionContext executionContext  )  const [virtual]

Completes "post-processing" afer any sub-elements are invoked (i.e.

children, attribute sets and templates). If there are no sub-elements it does nothing

executionContext context to execute this element

Reimplemented from ElemLiteralResult.

virtual bool ElemExtensionCall::executeChildElement StylesheetExecutionContext executionContext,
const ElemTemplateElement element
const [virtual]

Filters sub-elements that should be executed.

executionContext context to execute element
element the element to be executed
true if element should be executed, false otherwise

Reimplemented from ElemTemplateElement.

virtual const ElemTemplateElement* ElemExtensionCall::startElement StylesheetExecutionContext executionContext  )  const [virtual]

Completes "pre-processing" before any sub-elements are invoked (i.e.

children, attribute sets and templates). If there are no sub-elements it executes the primary function of the element.

executionContext context to execute this element

Reimplemented from ElemLiteralResult.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

Interpreting class diagrams

Doxygen and GraphViz are used to generate this API documentation from the Xalan-C header files.

Xalan-C++ XSLT Processor Version 1.9
Copyright © 1999-2004 The Apache Software Foundation. All Rights Reserved.